[XI] Payback Time

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Third Person

Park Jeongwoo quickly turned his head around to glare at the tall immortal seated on the next row but the latter only shrug his shoulders while boredly tapping his fingers against the table.

‘Come on, he won't notice.’ Jeongwoo quietly read the words written on the crumpled paper.

The taller male have been bugging him since the class started, asking him if he wants to cut classes but Jeongwoo was hesitant because of Doyoung who's seated next to him and attentively listening to Atty. Yedam’s lecture.

Haruto was about to throw another piece of crumpled paper when he slowly stand up and told Doyoung that he's going to the comfort room. Gladly, the attorney was busy writing the keywords on the white board. On his peripheral vision, he saw the taller male grinned as he followed behind with light footsteps.

“I knew you'd agree.” Haruto said as soon as they got out of the room.

The archangel only rolled his eyes followed by a deep sigh. “Why do i have to go with you again?”

The other male pretended to think of a reason and soon flashed his usual annoying smile before he rested his hand above Jeongwoo's shoulder.

“I guess it's payback time?”

Jeongwoo momentarily glance at the taller male, flashbacks came running in his head as he thought of the things that the latter did for him. From enlightening him about the things he's confused about to accompanying him even though he never asked for it.

“Fine. Where are we going?”

The immortal smiled and did not give him a response. Instead, he drag Jeongwoo with him until they arrived at the parking lot of the university.

It's not like he's obliged to come along but Jeongwoo don't see the problem with it and if he would be very honest with himself, he's not really paying attention to the lecture since his mind is clouded with random thoughts.

The road lay before them, bright sunlight illuminating on the window of the car but not to the point that it would hurt your eyes. If it's not for the smoke blasting from the cars alongside with them, Jeongwoo would opt to have the windows down and enjoy the city.

He sat there on the passenger seat gently tapping his feet to match with the music playing on the radio while Haruto hummed softly.

“A dog cafe?” Jeongwoo uttered in surprise when the other male parked the car across the shop.

Haruto let a chuckle escape from his lips before he went out and motioned the archangel to move quick. He lead the way inside the cafe, the lady in the counter smiling brightly— familiar with his presence.

“Iced latte and Iced chocolate.” he said then tilt his head to Jeongwoo's direction. “Cookies, cupcakes, or cake slice?” Haruto asked.

“Glazed Doughnut” Jeongwoo answered, eyes on the cashier as he smiled earning a look of disbelief from the immortal standing next to him.

Haruto write down something on the blue sticky note and gave it to the cashier before they went to the reception area to find a table.

The smaller male watched Haruto enthusiastically play with the puppies and even sat on the floor without minding that it might dirtied his pants. His usual annoying and arrogant look was gone and now replaced by a childlike smile and gesture as he talk to the puppies using his softest voice treating it like newborn babies.

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