[XVII] Memory Chip

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Park Jeongwoo

It was exactly 9 in the morning when Mashiho barge into our room and told us to get up since he has a visitor who brought breakfast. And since we know he doesn't have any other friends who seemed out of reach or something. We went out of rooms without changing pajamas and washing our faces— disgusting I know. There, we saw him standing next to Dr. Kim who was holding a couple of paper bags in hand. Mashiho furrows his eyebrows in our direction causing us to run back to the room and fixed ourselves to at least look presentable.

At this point, I don't who's the next one who'll visit our unit unexpectedly. Why is this place seemingly turning into a prison for having so many visitors?

After that pointless argument with myself, I went out of the room to join everyone for breakfast and thanked Dr. Kim for bringing the food. It wasn't awkward since he's known to have a bright personality despite his reputation in the medical department. I don't know why we can casually talk to him despite the fact that we can send him home anytime soon but as of now, it's something we can't do yet unless they're complete.  

The breakfast finished just like that. The others cleaned up the table while Mashiho went with Junkyu to the living room. He gave a sign that he'll call me later and I just nodded in response. They talked for almost an hour or two before Dr. Kim excused himself, explaining that he has a scheduled arthroscopic surgery at noon. My phone ping and it was Mashiho's message.

"I'll walk you downstairs. Do you mind if Jeongwoo joins us?" He asked, Dr. Kim glance at me before smiling at Mashiho as he nodded. The others didn't bother asking why should I tag along, they're more focused on thanking Dr. Kim for the breakfast.

I let them walk in front of me since it'll be awkward to completely tag along. As we reach the parking lot, Mashiho pulled me close and rest his hand above my shoulder. He glances at me before looking back to Dr. Kim. "Love, remember I texted you last night about database thingy?"

Love. Wow. When will I?

"Yeah, I already talked to a friend about it. Why? Was it Jeongwoo who needs it?" Dr. Kim asked while smiling at me. He's definitely cute and charming. Why did I only realize that now?

I awkwardly chuckle. "Yeah, I, I am trying to work on a project so I wonder if I can get a little tiny bit of help." I explained.

He slowly nodded and once again flash his smile. "I thought so. I already talked to a friend, here's the contact information. Just give him a heads up, you can remind him that this favor is on me so he won't forget."

I politely bowed my head and thanked him but he keeps on saying that it's fine and it's just a small favor. "He'll help you in the best way possible but if you need something more, you can always tell me. I can recommend another friend." he added. My smile grew wider while thanking him for being too kind and of course, Mashiho's eyebrows knit together at the sight.

Dr. Kim turned to him and pulled him by the waist. I took that as my cue to stand a meter away from them and pretended to look somewhere else. The taller leaned down to him and whispered something that made him grin. Mashiho can be this type, huh? They exchanged a few more flirty whispers before Dr. Kim gave him a forehead kiss and finally went to the car, waving both of us goodbye.

"He's handsome and cool, Is he single?" I playfully asked and trust me, I regret that stupid question as soon as I finish spitting the words out.

Mashiho slowly faced me wearing his blank face. "Do you have a death wish, Park Jeongwoo?" he said. I automatically broke a nervous laugh and hit his chest. "Chill, I'm just kidding!"

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