[XII] Spontaneous compensation

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Third Person

They say any trip that is unplanned or unexpected gives us one of the best memories a person can ever make. The feeling of going for something uncertain, the feeling of trying something out of your comfort zone and the feeling of exploring things with someone you barely know.

It was a scorching hot Tuesday afternoon, A particular immortal casually move his head while listening to the music playing on the radio while the archangel beside him finished his second packet of fruit flavored jelly. "Are we there yet?" Jeongwoo asked while munching his jelly.

The taller quickly stole a glance before setting his eyes back on the road. "What do you mean? We don't have a particular destination, I'm just driving as if we're going something far because my instinct told me so."

Park Jeongwoo crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head in disbelief as he stare at the latter who don't seem worried or bothered of anything. The two ditched their class once again and Jeongwoo didn't even know why he agreed to go with Haruto for the second time.

"Instinct? Are you an animal? Use your brain! We can't be on the road all day or else my ass will burn into ashes."

A hearty chuckle echoed in his ears, the immortal smiled widely hearing what the smaller male said. "Let me touch it first before it burns." he stated earning a smack in the head.

"Shut up, Watanabe. I'll try looking for some places to go instead of asking you. You know nothing." Jeongwoo answered rolling his eyes as he took out his phone from his pocket. He saw a few messages from Doyoung and missed calls from Mashiho but he choose to ignore it.

"Atleast I'm handsome."

"That's all you got."

"So you're admitting that im handsome?"

"I never said that!"

"You said that's all i got so that means-"

"LOOK! A BEACH, PULL OVER!" The latter exclaimed in excitement as they passed by a beach resort. Haruto quickly followed what he said and properly parked the car.

The sand is softly golden with just the right comforting warmth, along with the wind softly kissing their skin under the scorching sun. The atmosphere is somewhat comforting as if you're in a completely different world. It felt like home. The archangel wasn't sure if he's just imagining things or maybe because it's the very first time he visited a beach in this lifetime and to think that he went with an immortal instead of the other angels.

"Do you have an available room?" He heard Haruto ask the female attendant. He just continued looking around the beach resort and let the older settle whatever concern he has.

His feet lead him to the cottages near the shore, the beach wasn't totally pack with people but there are a few. Jeongwoo stared at the waves and soon closed his eyes to feel the wind softly touching his skin. "What Hollywood movie are you in?" the voice interrupted. He didn't have to turn around to know who it was, Ofcourse it's Haruto- It has always been Haruto.

"I don't understand the need to ask for an available room when we're not staying overnight." he stated, brows raised as he faced the taller.

Haruto shrug his shoulders and smiled. "I wanna rest after lunch. I need a room for that, unless you want me to lie on the sand under the sun? It's too hot."

"You literally lived in hell" the smaller countered earning a satisfied look from the immortal. "You got me there, Angel." he uttered.

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