[IV] Gang Berry

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Kim Junkyu

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you home?" I ask while intently watching him fix his messy hair and straighten his shirt.

He look at me and chuckled before shaking his head. "No thanks, Dr. Kim. I'm assuming you have an appointment after this."

"Not really. I'm just meeting out some friends."

I saw Mashiho nods his head. He walked closer to the mirror to check if he looks presentable enough to go out. It's almost 6 in the evening when we finished catching up with one another.

Without a word, i stand close behind him as we both stared at our reflection in the mirror. Mashiho suddenly turned around to face me and i took that chance to trace the marks left on his shoulder. "I need to go now." he said smiling.

i slowly nod and pat his head. "Alright. Take care and i hope to see you around."

Mashiho heartily leaned at me before waving his hand as he walk away. I quietly watch him open the door but before he left, he turn his head towards my direction and flash an innocent smile. "You got a nice tattoo by the way." And he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Damn, we're screwed.


"So Gabriel saw your wrath mark?" Jihoon ask, he's a friend of mine whose working in the palace as a Lunar professor but i don't see him often in the university for some unknown reason.

I quickly nod without looking. Over alcohol and blinking lights, we usually gather at night to talk about our lives or random and interesting things that happened during the day. It's something that never changed through the years.

Yoshi who just came back to our table after dancing with the crowd, sat next to me before pouring a drink on his glass. "Why are you with Mashiho by the way? I thought they don't remember us?"

A smile curved on Hyunsuk's lips. He's busy working as a hospital director affiliated with the palace but he always make time for our random gatherings.

"What else? Of course they did a live study of human anatomy. Right, Junkyu?" he remarked earning a laugh from the group.

I only shrug my shoulder before smiling. "I don't kiss and tell"

"But on a serious note..." Yedam intervened catching the attention of everyone. "I'm pretty sure it won't be long until they eventually find out we are the one they're looking for."

Jaehyuk furrowed his eyebrows. "I agree but what about our mission?"

I glance at Haruto as if asking him for his insight, anyway, he's the mastermind of all these.

"I don't know but im slowly making progress with Jeongwoo. What about the others? We don't have much time, do everything you can to revive their memories." he answered before drinking.

"Hell needs the guardian." They all look at me as i said that and soon set their eyes on Haruto.

Despite the blaring sound coming from the dance floor and the blinding neon lights surrounding the whole pub, silence envelope our table along with exchange of anxious glances.

"Those memories, are you sure it's worthy of all the trouble you all caused just to summon them?" a familiar voice said from behind making all of us turn around to look at the direction.

"Yoonbin!" we exclaim in unison. His eyes crinkled as he widely smile, contrary to his dark aura and intimidating look.

He sat next to Jihoon whose smiling from ear to ear upon his arrival. I slowly shake my head when they started to get immersed into their own world but Yoonbin suddenly glance at us particularly to Haruto.

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