[XX] Devil's Prayer

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Watanabe Haruto

This is confusing as hell. I wanted to ask him but I don't wanna get myself exposed like a fish caught through their own mouth. Damn.

"I forgive you for lying." I froze and stared at him. I did what? Jeongwoo took a deep breath and caress my face once again. "I forgive you for not telling me that it was actually you all along. I understand that you wanted me to know on my own but I wish you could've said something. I would've lessened the pain."

I smiled, chuckling as I keep my head low for a second before pulling his body closer to mine. "Are you possessed?" I asked earning a light punch from him.

"Things happened. I dreamed about us. You killed the leader of the legion and became a hell prisoner, you dumbass."

We both laugh as I pulled him back. I never expected it would turn out this way, I was expecting to have a dramatic heavy confession and revelation that would beat some good movies out there but I guess this works better than any movie or novel.

I analyze his angelic face and noticed the tears brimming in his eyes. My heart almost stopped beating at the sight of his face. After years of literally nothing and a few months of being just a friend, he finally discovered us. He finally discovered our past. I tried parting my lips to say something but my own voice betrayed me as no words come out. I feel like crying for no reason.

So this what it feels like. The feeling of being found, the feeling of being picked up from the ground you were sitting on for too long. The feeling of familiarity and home.

"I lost track of counting how long has it been but I am certain my love for you remained the same. It has always been you."

And before I could add more words to what I said, I was already pulled into a tight hug. I felt his cheeks rested against the crook of my neck and I smiled at the feeling of his breath against my skin. Followed by his tears damping my white shirt, both of his hands encircled around my waist. It felt like compensation for the lost years.

Jeongwoo slowly looks up at me and I automatically wipe his tears using my thumb. He smiled despite the tears in his eyes. "I love you. I'm sorry it took so long for me to find out." and I almost melted.

I don't want to cry, not when he's around. Not when he can see that I'm also vulnerable, weak, and breakable but I can't control myself and just let it all go. I smiled as the first tear fell from my eyes. "I love you" I replied.

Nothing changes, Jeongwoo— Ramiel was still the first one to say the three words, in our past lives and even in this lifetime while I am destined to return what he gave.

This life had taught me to be patient. To be hardworking. And most especially to accept that not all the things we want will end up in our hands. I push my luck just by merely making memories that I can look back once his mission is over. But I guess heaven finally heard the devil's prayers from hell.

My only prayer is not that he would remember but for me to be able to hear him say those three words again before this lifetime ends. After then, nothing else matters. Knowing that he loves me too in this lifetime is good enough for me.

And for this lifetime, I'm willing to risk it all again no matter what it takes.


I gently remove Jeongwoo's arms resting on my chest and slowly stand up from the bed as soon as the clock strikes at midnight. I placed a soft peck over his forehead before I changed my clothes and with one last glance, I left the unit with a bothered expression as I slid the phone inside my pocket.

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