[VIII] Good boys go bad

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Third Person

“Please tell me we're not spending the whole night watching those two dance like there's no tomorrow.” Haruto boredly said while playing with the glass of peach whiskey on his hand.

The other three automatically look at Jeongwoo whose busy scrolling on his phone. He quickly look up when he felt eyes darting on him. “What now?” he asked.

“He’s asking you to dance with him.” Junghwan interrupt causing Haruto to widen his eyes but Doyoung only laughs at the situation.

The archangel stand up and cross his arms against his chest. “Come on, Watanabe. What are you waiting for?”

Haruto look up to the other in amusement before he eventually stand up while chuckling.

“I didn't ask for it but i guess this thing works too.” he stated, getting drag by Jeongwoo to the dance floor.

The taller awkwardly stood there frozen while watching Jeongwoo casually vibe to the music. He moved his left foot backward in a smooth motion, sliding across the slick floor while Haruto slid his right foot forward, chasing the latter like a fox on the hunt.

Leaning forward and looking into his eyes. Jeongwoo teased the taller by pretending to move closer as if threatening to brush his lips against the other and when he saw him flustered, he immediately pulled away in a split second.

“Park Jeongwoo” Haruto warned but the archangel only shrug his shoulders while laughing.

“Scared? Why? You really thought I'm gonna do it?” the younger countered wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

The tall immortal grinned before shaking his head. “I know you're not brave enough to do it.”

Jeongwoo wasn't sure if it was the alcohol but his throat felt more dry than anything else. They were forbidden to drink but he was tempted to taste the alcohol handed to him by the waiter earlier so he eventually gave in without a second thought.

He felt a little dizzy earlier but tried to shove it away by fidgeting on his phone until he eventually end up with Haruto in the dimmed light dancefloor.

“Haruto” Jeongwoo called out, resting his head against Haruto's chest while the taller willingly support his weight.

Hearing the immortal hummed made him smile. He carelessly hit him without a reason and get himself to look up so their eyes meet.

“Do you think the Guardian and the Hellborn are the same? Or they are two different person?” he asked mindlessly.

The taller stared at him in amusement before smiling as he pat Jeongwoo's head. He intently watch the smaller male struggle to stand up straight, his rosy cheeks obviously giving it away.

How would i know?”

Jeongwoo look straight into his eyes.

“Because you're an immortal. There’s no way you didn't know.”

“I don't have to tell you anything” Haruto answered.

As much as he love him, he won't give it away and blew their chance just like that. If he confess everything he know then that will be the end. Once the mission is done they will have to leave and forget that something like this existed just like what happened before.

Haruto committed himself not to let history repeat itself.

“I’m so disappointed with you, Haruto. I thought we're friends how c—”

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