[XIX] Calm and Chaos

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Park Jeongwoo

I woke up like a completely different person. I'm crying with no sound, I just know I am because of the tears rolling down on my cheeks. Doyoung is hugging me tight like life support. None of them said anything to break the silence but the worried look on their eyes makes me want to cry even more but I couldn't. It took a couple of minutes before I finally stopped crying, Junghwan handed me a glass of water while I try to compose myself.

I don't know what happened to me but the dream I had appears too realistic. I was inside the dream but I can't stop them from doing things that would harm other beings, I keep on shouting at the old Raphael to not sacrifice his own life but he can't hear me. I just stood there looking stupid watching everyone dirty their hands with blood and impurities.

I look up to meet Doyoung's worried eyes. The flashback of what happened in my dream reflected on his innocent eyes. "I'm sorry" I whispered quietly sobbing in his arms. He just nodded without understanding what I meant. He was right, It was my fault. I was the reason why the war happened. I took the priso— shit.

The prisoner
The prisoner!

Like a flashing light, I immediately move away and separated myself from Doyoung. Their confused glances grew wider as they watch my every move. I took a deep and heavy sigh as I stare at them one by one. "The last page of my tale was ripped."

"I was about to tell you that but you got so excited and locked yourself in the room before I could utter a word." he answered.

"But I dreamed about the war of miscreants. I saw each and every one of us, I saw our past selves and how everything falls into pieces."

"Everything? As in everything?" Mashiho repeated tilting his head to make sure if he heard it right.

I furrow my eyebrows, remembering that he's not supposed to be here since he needs to run an errand for Dr. Kim. "Why are you here?"

"Junghwan called me so I ditched the errand, I can't miss the tea."

I only shake my head and before I could speak, Asahi interrupted. "Going back to the issue, What happened to you?"

"I read the book Doyoung gave me and I think I lost consciousness? Then I saw everything through the dream."


"Wait!" I cut Asahi's words off. I'd love to tell them everything that I dreamed about but I can't, not now. I have something more important to do and someone I need to see as soon as possible. I quickly move around the room, took a bag, and shove pieces of clothes along with my wallet while I shove my phone inside my pocket.

Doyoung looks at me confused. "W..where are you going? What's going on?"

I turned around to face him and everyone else. "I need to go somewhere. I have to meet someone, I promise I'll be safe. I'll be back tomorrow." I said and run out of the room without bothering to look back as they scream my name.

I don't know why I'm rushing as if I am being chased by bulls, I didn't even use the elevator to go down the building instead I used the stairs and almost throw myself to keep on rolling down to reach the ground floor faster. Weird, I know. I acted as if I was inside a déjà vu, I keep on running. The backpack hanging loosely on both of my shoulders, phone on my left hand flashing a caller ID.

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