[XXII] Alone Together

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Third Person

"Just leave the documents on my table, I'll take care of that after my vacation." Mashiho hears Junkyu say on the phone.

The archangel wanted to facepalm at the thought. Earlier in the morning, he was picking on Jeongwoo since Haruto seems to push the idea of them sharing a room together but here he is, occupying a different room with the young doctor.

Mashiho assembled his stuff on the table and lay on the bed, waiting for Junkyu who looked serious and focused while talking to his secretary on the phone. After almost five minutes, the taller walk closer to the bed and leaned down to give him a forehead kiss.

"You can sleep first and store some energy. I heard we're visiting an island tomorrow." Junkyu whispered, smiling sweetly while patting his head.

The archangel would like to answer and tell the taller that he's completely fine but he smiled instead to hide his frustration. He watches the immortal walk to the bathroom and closes the door behind. Mashiho can't help but pout at the thought. Ever since they finally made up and got back together almost a month ago, he only gets kisses and hugs. Nothing more than that since Junkyu stopped being intimate with him. Not only that, the time they were supposed to spend together became less and less every single time.

It would be a complete lie if he says he's not bothered. He can't even bring himself to ask why and what's wrong because he doesn't want to appear too desperate and too clingy. Sometimes his minds go overboard and suggest the idea that the older lost interest. Mashiho was too immersed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the bathroom door sprung open. He only snaps out of his thoughts when he felt a weight added on the bed and an arm circled around his waist.

Mashiho keeps his eyes closed, pretending to sleep but his heart almost drops when he felt Junkyu's nose bumping gently on his nape. The immortal pressed his body against him and Mashiho hum at the comfort of his touch. Junkyu starts planting small kisses on his skin and the archangel squirms at the sensation.

"Sweet dreams" The immortal whispered and Mashiho could only hum before he turns around to face the older.

He held Junkyu's cheeks using both of his hands, squishing it gently before peppering kisses all over his face that caused the latter to laugh in delight. Junkyu took his hands and move it closer to his face, placing small kisses. "I love you, My mashi."

The smaller male covered his face in embarrassment but the older was quick to pull his hands. Mashiho gave a small nod, biting his lower lips as he responds. "I love you too."

Mashiho lifted his body in an attempt to steal one more kiss when Junkyu's phone rang, making the taller male move away and hurriedly answer the call. He saw the older walk to the balcony as he speaks to the phone, from the glass door, he can see Junkyu frowning while messing his hair. Minutes of talking, Junkyu walk inside the room and occupied the couch across the bed— bringing his laptop out of the bag and setting his eyes on it until the phone call ended.

The word frustrated is nothing compared to the emotion boiling inside the archangel. He creased his forehead when Junkyu continued working on his laptop as if he completely forgot that Mashiho's waiting for him on the bed. The smaller mentally counted one to ten and as if on cue, the phone rang once again. That's it. He thought to himself. He stood up from the bed and cross his arms in front of Junkyu who's still talking with his secretary on the other line. The immortal gave him a hand signal telling him to wait but Mashiho had enough of waiting.

Without a second thought, he gently pushes the coffee table away from Junkyu and took a seat right on his lap instead of the vacant space on the couch. The immortal froze, looking like he had a quick malfunction, and Mashiho smirks at the sight. Junkyu shakes his head in disbelief but nonetheless, he encircled his arm around the archangel's waist. Mashiho stared intently at Junkyu's face, watching him frown from time to time, and for some odd reason, he finds the expression inviting. 

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