[XXX] The Final Judgement

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Third Person

A hellborn is a gift of choice. Haruto laughs at himself as he stared at his reflection. The deadly sins completely came back to their world and everything started running as usual, except for his uneasy heart. It has been days since he settled back but everything about him was left with the love of him.

No tint of regret but rather his endless hope and wish that he could've spent more time with the archangel if he pushes through with his plan to summon them earlier than usual. If he only knew he'd feel troubled as he is now, he would've used more of his power to make it possible. But every drop of seconds makes his breath hitch. The fallen guardian paid him a visit to check on him and even updated him that the journal has already been handed to Jeongwoo back in the realm. And the mere thought of the archangel's face makes him weak on his knees. 

Haruto sighed for the nth time as he started walking back and forth, nibbling his lips while trying to think. But before he could stare back at the mirror to check himself, the door widely open, revealing the fallen guardian who's currently staring at him like he's judging Haruto's whole existence. 

"The inauguration will be in a while. Are you okay?" the older ask while examining his face who obviously looks uneasy and troubled by the way his mind process his own thoughts.

The latter momentarily meet Yoonbin's gaze before heaving a sigh and even patting his chest in hopes to lessen the heavy feeling inside him.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Yoonbin slowly nods at his words and told the younger he'll be waiting outside. The younger sat down at the very edge of the room and reminisce his last memories with the archangel. From the beginning up to this day, he had always been envious of how Atty. Bang is blood bonded with the archangel of wisdom and wishes he can be the same with Jeongwoo. He used to be a bit envious of how the attorney was able to know Uriel's whereabouts that urge him to use his immortal abilities as a hellborn, something that he succeeded to do since he was able to monitor the archangel back in the realm.

Haruto finds it funny how the latter never asked how he was able to know his whereabouts without conversation and such. He was convinced that Jeongwoo was too occupied to even notice that.

"I wonder how's love." the immortal mumbled to himself, smiling as he thought of the cute puppy they adopted.

Just when he's about to use his ability to look over the realm through a form of mantra, the door sprung open as he was greeted by a smiling vixen. "Everyone is waiting for you. Are you good to go?" the woman asked.

A small nod was given to the latter before Haruto faced the mirror once again and followed the vixen to the ceremony. Everything about him is uncertain. He wonders where did the brave immortal go, the immortal who bravely wrote his feelings in a journal to confess his choice of taking the turn next to Yoonbin. When in fact, he's just a mere immortal filled with fear and doubts inside.

His small steps echoed in the quiet barriers of hell. Eyes watching the immortal who will soon lead the underworld but the ones who are visible to his eyes are the deadly sins watching from the very back, staring intently at him as if they want to drag him somewhere for a second just to knock some sense into his head. After the ceremony, the deadly sins will be the ones to received judgment from the pillars of hell.

Haruto stands in the very center facing the fallen guardian looking all mighty standing in front of him, offering his powerful hands for the younger hellborn to take. The ceremony started in just a while, following the usual tradition to end the lifetime given to them and conditioning their souls to be ready for the next one. Bunch of offerings and gifts here and there, but Haruto could only smile at them as a sign of gratitude for the things they brought to congratulate and honor him.

"Bolt of blinding lightning broke the utter blackness, cleaving the night— It came as the opera of the dark. Flashes of pure light cast a glow against the monochromatic skies, and there he was born, created to break the vicious bonds of dusk and dawn." Haruto followed the highest official's chant by repeating the words into his mind.

"As the fallen guardian breathed life unto you, the moon had embraced your existence. The fortune of this world will be unto you on the last eclipse." The official paused and exchanged glances with the fallen guardian before he proceeds. "Are you willingly taking the turn after the fallen guardian?" the man questioned.

With determined eyes, the immortal parted his lips to speak. "I would love to....." 


Blinding lights, angelic sounds, solemn atmosphere, weird in some ways knowing that a human feeling was once inside them but soothing in the most comfortable way possible. But everything eventually changes. The archangels found themselves ascending the next dawn, warm smiles welcoming them for finally coming back home. And Ramiel, yes the divine form and not Jeongwoo— questions himself if he really considered the place his home.

Wandering around, the archangel exchange glances knowing too well that things will turn on a different light once the judgment starts. Asahi, Raphael in his divine form, gave an assuring smile to Jeongwoo.

"Might be the last time but I do hope to meet you guys again." The latter stated and look at each one of them.

Gabriel, who's the most certain of his plans only chuckled before he loosely hugs the angel of healing. "May the light bless our souls to cross paths in the new wave of life. I'll see you guys around." then he walked past them and greeted familiar beings who blissfully welcomed his presence. 

"Doyoung— I mean, Uriel. Are you really.... staying?" Jeongwoo queried as he reaches for the small hands of the latter.

The archangel of wisdom had his lips curve into a smile as he slowly nods his head. "I was certain about it back in the realm but let's see. I'll think about it while the others face the first run of judgment." he explained earning a nod from the archangels who soon started walking on their own ways.

Like embedded tradition, the divine beings gathered around the hall, witnessing how angels who also went for a mission in the realm get questioned by the higher officials. And time moves faster until Ramiel was no longer in the crowd as a witness. Sitting in the very center, all eyes darted on him that only made him feel weak. The passing of power to the new hellborn spread among the realm as well as the archangel whom he fell in love with.

"This will not harm you but rather for us to know who the archangel was. Ramiel, the epitome of healing, were you in love with the hellborn of the present?" hands shaking, his heart shattering, and his breath hitch the moment he parted his lips.

The aforementioned archangel glance to the crowd to meet the eyes of the ones he treasures and trust the most. Gabriel smiled dearly to him, a sign of encouragement. Zaqiel with his usual innocent persona. Raphael with his Affiliative ones and Uriel with his comforting and proud smile. 

Jeongwoo took a deep breath with his heart feeling heavy but his heart is completely at peace for he knows he is certain. His eyes once again landed on Mashiho gave him a small nod as a signal to speak what his heart wants.

The archangel lifted his gaze from his anchor before looking up at the official then to the highest of all sitting at the very back of the hall.

To burn a bridge. "No. I am not." he said confidently.

It was a complete lie. A loud gasp from the divine beings around the hall filled the air and an unexplainable look from the one sitting on the highest. Jeongwoo felt the burn on his nape. An angelic rune in the symbol of double edge sword slowly formed on his nape, a symbol that he's once again tainted for he committed an archangel's greatest sin— to deny the truth in the judgment and in front of the highest of heaven.

As the declaration of punishment passed through his ears, Ramiel closed his eyes and started chanting words like a mantra delivered straight from his heart.

A mortal. Let it be a mortal.
In the next break of dawn, I will remember.
A mortal with memories.
The next life is ours to live. 

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