[XIV] Graveyard of the Unburied

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Third Person

The two walk inside the floating restobar, Jeongwoo followed behind the taller as they look for an available table and soon, a staff assisted them and gave the menu. Since Jeongwoo already ate, he just ordered a dessert so the other male won't feel lonely eating by himself. The waiter informed them that the food will took a little while so Haruto excused himself and Jeongwoo took that as his chance to check his phone- just in case his friends are worried about him.

But to his surprise, Mashiho who was raging earlier on his notification was nowhere to be found. Not even a single text from him. He tried checking their group chat only to see Doyoung's text and it seems that the latter is stressing over something, the only thing he understood was the last text Doyoung sent before Asahi replied to the latter, asking him to come out of the room.

Atty. Bang called me Hin

Jeongwoo whispered to himself as he read the last text. Atty. Bang? He thought before shoving the phone back on his pocket. "Hin" he mumbled knitting his eyebrows in confusion. The name seems familiar to him but he can't remember when and where he encountered the word. His thoughts shattered when Haruto snapped his fingers right infront of him.

"What's wrong?" Haruto asked as he sat down with a glass of champagne in his hand. Jeongwoo only smiled and shake his head. "It's nothing." he replied and continued spacing out until the food they ordered arrived.

"You know you can ask and tell me anything" The taller said when he noticed that Jeongwoo is just playing with his bowl of banana split.

The archangel meet Haruto's eyes before he flashed an angelic and convincing smile. "It's nothing. I'm just tired." he replied and started eating his dessert in silence leaving the taller lost in confusion.

As much as he wanted to let the immortal know, he felt like he need to start building a gap in between them. He can't let himself be the reason why they might fail the given mission.

Next day.

The archangel just uttered a small thanks before running out of the car and not bothering to look back at Haruto calling for his name. In just a minute or two, he arrived at their unit. He saw Junghwan happily eating a pizza while watching a drama series on tv, Asahi sleeping on the side with his earphones on, while the other two are nowhere to be seen.

"You're back!" the youngest happily greeted without sparing a glance.

"Where's Gabriel?" he saw the youngest shrug his shoulders before pausing the drama. "Just like you, he didn't come home last night. We have no idea."

"What about Uriel?"

"Inside his room? Stressing over that attorney instead of directly asking him about the Hin thing."

Jeongwoo was about to ask another question when Asahi slowly opened his eyes and shoot him a death glare as he removed his earphones. "Where have you been?" the archangel asked fiercely causing the latter to gulp down nervously.

"I, uh, I was with Haruto..." he replied bitting his lower lips. He was expecting a good amount of scolding but the older only nodded to him before sitting properly.

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