[II] Hell is who you are

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Watanabe Haruto

I casually walk to the hallway along with a bunch of students rushing to their own classes, an effort to arrive on time. As for me, I don't think running is necessary.

After delving into deeper conversation about the past yesterday, i finally made up my mind and come up with a decision. Without knocking at the door or greeting the professor of the class, i coolly entered the room with a smile on my face.

"What the fuck are you doing in my class, Watanabe?" Yedam who followed me on the last row whispered as he gave me a glare.

Some students are eyeing us. Probably wondering as to why the professor didn't bother scolding me for coming late or whatever.

I gave him my best smile before patting his shoulder. "Calm down attorney. I'm a late enrollee, forgive me even just for now."

He slowly shake his head in disbelief before whispering. "A hell born asking for forgiveness, the irony." he then walk back to the front like nothing happened and continued with his lecture.

I noticed a pair of Angel's eyes looking directly at me as if examining my facial features. Hundred years passed and maybe some things never really change, he's still the same Ramiel- Jeongwoo that i knew.

I mentally count up to ten and when i noticed that he's still starring at me, i did not hesitate to meet his eyes before giving him a wink then go back on my phone without bothering to listen to Yedam's lecture.

When i got bored using my phone, i took out my notepad and flipped it to the back part- ripping one page then writing down my thoughts.

'I'm Haruto and i think you're cute. Wanna eat lunch together?'

I waited for an opportunity to toss the crumpled paper on my hand to Jeongwoo. I almost laugh out loud when i saw his annoyed expression as he pick up the paper and open it.

Jeongwoo turn around and gave me a death glare before sitting properly to focus on the lecture. I was about to rip another page and toss another paper when my phone vibrated, signaling a new message.

It's Junkyu hyung.

It's Junkyu hyung

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[Word format]

Junkyu: Haru, are you in class right now?

Haruto: Yeah, what's up?

Junkyu: I saw Mashiho just now

Haruto: And? Why are you telling me this?

Junkyu: I thought they don't remember us?

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