[X] Greed and Healing

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Third Person

It was one of those Saturdays with baby-blue skies, trees dancing along with the wind, the weather seemingly feels like a kiss of summer but minus the fiery heat of noon time. Jeongwoo had his lips curve into a soft smile as he look out of the cafe’s glass wall.

Contrary to his warm smile, he has a big concern under his sleeves. It has been two days since the university party which he remembered as a very embarrassing moment of his temporary mortal life. Even the slightest memory of the stupid things he did made him want to puke and throw himself off a cliff if possible.

Jeongwoo tilted his head up when he heard the door of the cafe open. It's almost 11 in the morning and there are only few people occupying the place. Setting aside his embarrassment, he flashed a smile as he saw the tall figure he was waiting for walking towards him.

“I don't remember saving a country in my past life to be graced by your presence.” Haruto stated before taking a seat across him. His eyes obviously landing on the book the archangel was reading, furrowing his eyebrows upon recognition.

“What can i do for you? You ignored me for two days, I'm certain im not here just for your eyes to see.” Haruto added smiling at Jeongwoo who just rolled his eyes taking a sip of his iced latte.

The smaller of the two who was conflicted and confused since early in the morning because of what he had read, closed the book he was reading for the third time now and look at Haruto straight in the eyes.

“I didn't order anything for you, I don't know what you like. You can order first before i bombard you with questions.” Jeongwoo answered and the immortal followed politely, walking casually to the counter and came back quickly with his usual smile.

“This story, is this real? Did this happen?” the smaller asked without wasting a second but nervous of what Haruto's answer would be.

“Relax, you look so anxious. Tell me first what the story is about.” Haruto said.

He's trying not to show any signs of emotion that would allow the other male to know about his knowledge of the story. It was obviously familiar to him but he has no plans of giving it away easily.

“Another story of an angel who fell in love with one of the deadly sins, that's what it says. During a war against the rogues, that sin almost lost his life but the archangel came in between and sacrificed himself.” Jeongwoo spoke, eyes on the book as he recited the highlighted part.

“The arrow was as sharp as obsidian that it pierced through his heart. It was the same arrow that ended his life for no one were able to save him.” the latter continued.

“It’s real. The arrow was bewitched by a spell, the angel was meant to die for the other.” Haruto mumbled feeling a lump in his throat.

A wave of sorrow and sadness laced his deep voice while his eyes locked with Jeongwoo's dark orbs that showed shock and devastation.

“Who among us? The book never mentioned it and i don't understand. Who among us would go that far for a fucking immortal?” the archangel exclaimed. His voice sounds a little rough, voice shaking as he push back his hair in annoyance.

The other male was taken aback. He could only stare at Jeongwoo apologetically. His heart constricting in pain at the words that came from the mouth of the love of his life.

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