[XVI] Chain of Custody

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Watanabe Haruto

I woke up because of the loud knocks from the door. It must be Yoshi. I lazily kick the blanket off me and halt when i saw Jeongwoo peacefully sleeping next to me wearing the Pajama i lend him since he didn't bring anything. I didn't know seeing his face first thing in the morning will make me smile like an idiot.

As the door opened, I saw Yoshi leaning down while rubbing his eyes. “I’m hungry. Let's get some breakfast outside.” he said and push me out of the way, he casually went to the room and automatically had his mouth hung open when he saw Jeongwoo on the bed. “Did you just get laid while im peacefully sleeping in the living room?!”

Shhh! Tone down your voice or you'll wake him up.” I replied before i sat on the edge of the bed. “And we didn't do anything.”

Yoshi proceed to rummage on my closet as he gave me a judging look. “Really?” he said it with his teasing grin.

I took a deep breath and point my fingers towards him. “You should pull out that apartment of yours if you'll just crash in my place all the time and use my clothes as if you don't have your own.”

“No thanks. I don't intend to stay here for good, just incase you wanna get laid at some point in time. Privacy, you know?”

“Privacy my ass.” I replied reminiscing the moments that almost seemed like he was the owner of my unit since he has access to everything and even consume my stocks.

Our attention was diverted when Jeongwoo let out a sleepy groan. I move closer and mess his hair before giving it a pat. In a split second, he opened his eyes and grumpily sat down. He rub his eyes like a child while murmuring complaints that he's still sleepy. I find it really cute to the point it could melt me at that moment, I am too immersed that i didn't realize i am already pulling him for a hug and he didn't show any sign of rejecting skinship but instead he rested his head on my chest, mumbling that he wants to sleep more while comfortably wrapping his hands around me.

“Dang i feel extremely single. Why am i single? Why am i here? The universe hates me so much that i need to witness this stupid lovey-dovey moment.” Yoshi said, dramatically scrunching his nose while sending glares as he pair up the clothes he pick from my closet. 

I heard him sigh as he reach for the door. “I hate you, Haruto. You're so disrespectful for that.” he added. I only laughed at him while patting Jeongwoo underneath me. “We’re not joining you for breakfast, maybe next time.”i said, teasing him more.

Yoshi raised his middle finger that caused me to burst out in laughter. “I hope you starve to death.” he playfully replied and closed the door behind with a look of disbelief on his face.

I only shake my head while smiling at his ridiculousness. “Jeongwoo.... How long are we keeping this position?” I asked. We're both sitting on the bed with him resting half of his body on mine and as much as i love to keep him close, my back says no.

“I don't know. I just wanna sleep.” he replied almost sounding like hush whisper. I smiled and slowly pull his body down. I can let him sleep more but not in a sitting position.

Jeongwoo wrap his arms around me as we lay on the bed, I'm not sure if he took a liking on hugging me or this is how he normally act when sleepy. Nevertheless, I liked the feeling of his warmth and there's no way im letting go despite the fact that I'm not sleepy anymore.

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