[V] Great Pretender

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Park Jeongwoo

It was passed 5pm when the afternoon class with Atty. Bang ended. We have three lecture classes with him, twice a week in the morning and one in the afternoon every friday.

"Where are we going after this?" Doyoung ask while yawning and stretching both of his arms.

I shrug my shoulders. "Go home? Or do we have a plan of hanging out?"

He look up to me with an amused look on his face. "We literally have a mission to do and yet you still thought of hanging out."

"I'm just asking. Ever since we came here, we did nothing but read books and observe immortals from the Lunar, and for what?"

What i said earn a small nod from Doyoung. I don't know if fate is playing with us or what, but we can't find any lead about them. Well aside from Dr. Choi's mark that i happen to see few days back.

I haven't told the others about it since they're all busy balancing their time for themselves and for the mission. As for Mashiho, I don't know what he's up to but these past few days he's always out with someone he haven't formally introduce to us and if i would make a wild guess, I'm pretty sure he's not planning to.

A small pat on my shoulder sunk down my thoughts, i quickly turn around to see who it was. "What do you want?" I asked nonchalantly.

That annoying grin on his face flashed once again. "You?" he answered while wiggling his eyebrows.

On the side, Doyoung fake a cough that got the attention of the two of us but Haruto only wave his hand shamelessly as he smile and greet the latter. "You're Doyoung right? I'm Haruto, nice to meet you."

Doyoung look at me in confusion but immediately get himself to smile as he shake hands with Haruto. "Nice to meet you, Haruto. Do you need anything from my friend?"

We both look at him, the only difference is that Doyoung is staring at him expectantly while I'm not.

Haruto smiled as he awkwardly scratch his nape. "I was wondering if both of you are free. I'm going with Yedam— i mean Atty. Bang to witness a court trial. You might wanna come along, we really don't mind."

Just by hearing the professor's name, i was ready to decline the invitation but Doyoung quickly beamed upon hearing the word 'court trial'. Why did the highest proclaimed him as the Angel of Wisdom and have two of us stick together in the human realm? His wisdom irks my dumb self.

"We'd love to! Are we going now?" Doyoung ask in enthusiasm. His eyes lighting up like a firefly caught in the dark night.

"Yeah, he's actually waiting outsi-"

Doyoung didn't even bother to let Haruto finish his words and quickly escape the room to look for Atty. Bang.

Shaking my head, i released a deep sigh and followed behind. Haruto walking next to me while humming in excitement.

The car ride was awkward at first not until Attorney put on a music through the CD player followed by a few exchange of conversation. He asked us if we're having a hard time in his lecture and other unit subjects, He even gave a few advices. Haruto looks so uninterested sitting in the passenger seat, a complete opposite of Doyoung whose all ears.

I just quietly listen and nods to everything Atty. Bang says, he's casually talking while driving and sometimes peeking through the rear view mirror to check on us.

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