[XXI] Kinds of Brave

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Third Person

Watanabe Haruto scrunches his nose in annoyance for the nth time of the day. It's been a week since he and Jeongwoo got back together and went out on multiple dates to make up for all the years they spent apart. As of now, they are currently inside the van waiting for the others. The archangel can't help but laugh as he tried pulling Haruto closer to him, caressing the latter to stop being grumpy so early in the morning. The latter planned a short beach vacation just for the two of them but apparently, the other immortals heard of his plan through Yoshi and insisted that they want to come along, an idea Haruto didn't like. 

As a result, everyone ended up joining the trip. They were split into three vehicles; the first car is where Yoshi, Yoonbin, and Jihoon are. The second one is occupied by Atty. Yedam, Engr. Yoon, and Dr. Choi while the third one is where the archangels are along with Haruto and Junkyu. They are waiting for Junkyu, Mashiho, and Junghwan who dropped by to the nearest convenience store to buy something to eat since the youngest keeps on complaining about the breakfast they sacrificed just to prepare for the things they need. 

"Can we at least share a bedroom?" Haruto whispered that cause Jeongwoo to playfully nudge him before leaning down to whisper. "Mashiho will kill both of us."

The immortal let out an annoyed groan that soon disappeared when the aforementioned archangel went inside the van with Junghwan and Junkyu following behind. Mashiho furrows his eyebrows before shrugging to himself and moving to the back seat with Junkyu. The others started eating while some of them choose to take a nap. The road trip took almost an hour before they arrived at the private beach resort.

Dr. Kim was the first to go out of the van since he is the one acquainted with the owner which happened to be— "Engr. Kazama?" Jeongwoo blurted out. The taller tilted his head in Jeongwoo's direction and wave his hands cheerfully. "It's been a while!"

Jeongwoo smiled back and wave his hands, not noticing that everyone was looking at him. He talked to the latter for a short while before they all proceed to the lobby with the staff assisting them and distributing the key cards to their room. Everyone agreed to take a quick rest and go down for lunch.

"Can't we just switch rooms?" Haruto whispered. "You're sharing a room with Mashiho and I'm sharing mine with Junkyu." he added, convincing the archangel who stared at him in hesitation as if trying to reconsider but immediately fake a cough when Jeongwoo saw Mashiho sending an impatient look towards their direction. 

Jeongwoo gently pushes the taller away from him. "I don't wanna die in Mashiho's hands." he jokingly answered and went to the latter who cling unto him.

"I see Haruto wants to share a room with you. Great idea but not on my watch." Mashiho said as soon as they entered the room, the older took the bed near the balcony and threw himself lazily.

"He's aware. Give him a break." The latter replied and copied what Mashiho did since the trip exhausted him a little bit.

They rested for a few hours before everyone went down for lunch. The archangel saw Haruto impatiently standing on the receiving area already wearing a Hawaiian khaki short paired with a white polo. His face lightens up when he saw Jeongwoo approaching with Doyoung tagging behind.

"Is there something wrong? You don't look good earlier." The archangel asks then cling unto the other male that caused Doyoung to secretly roll his eyes.

"Nothing, I just missed you." Haruto answered loud enough for the other archangel to hear. Jeongwoo playfully nudges him to cut it out but the taller only smiles wider. "But I'm all good now. I saw your face and you look.... I don't know, radiant?"

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