[VII] Books, Memories, & Immortals

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Third Person

A particular immortal stand next to the entrance door upon receiving Yedam’s text message. Loud music playing in the background since the party officially started upon arrival of the Palace’s director and other members of the faculty.

Jaehyuk meticulously ruffle his hair while waiting for someone and not long after, he saw a figure hurriedly running to the entrance. His lips curve into a gentle and warm smile as he speak. “Fancy seeing you here beautiful”

The archangel turn to him— eyebrows knitting close to one another. Asahi pointed to himself while giving an uncertain look to the latter.

“Are you talking to me?”

Jaehyuk shrug his shoulders. “I don't see anyone beautiful aside from you”

“You can choose between yes or no instead of saying weird things you know?” Asahi stated nonchalantly causing the immortal to chuckle.

The smaller male look at Jaehyuk in annoyance but he couldn't care less. He's happy to finally see him up close and even talk to him though the conversation does not seem to flow smoothly like what he imagined.

Jaehyuk bravely made an eye contact and the other met his eyes for a few seconds before looking away.

“I’m Engr. Yoon Jaehyuk, it's nice to finally see you.” he introduced and reach out his hand which the latter calmly took.

“I know. I kinda hate your gut but i guess it's nice to meet you.” the latter countered bluntly.

Jaehyuk can only smile despite the archangel's disinterest upon his presence. His gaze trail down to Asahi’s hand only to see a paper bag of books.

Must be from the lunar. He thought.

“That’s a lot of books.” Jaehyuk casually pointed out, not expecting a positive response from the smaller.

Asahi momentarily stared at him before sighing. “None of your business” he replied.

The taller male expected that kind of answer from him since they haven't really talk to each other before.

Since the angels arrived at the palace he have been keeping an eye on him but was never brave to actually approach him until this night came and maybe he's only meant to greet him then that's it.

“I'll go ahead now. Have a great night, angel.” Jaehyuk muttered and spun his heels towards the entrance door leaving the other male behind.


And that small exclaim did not fail to make Jaehyuk smile. He quickly turn around to spare him a puzzled glance.

Asahi awkwardly shifted his gaze away from the taller before asking. “Do you know a good place to read?”

Wiggling his eyebrows, he confidently answered. “My place”

“No thanks. Forget it.

The immortal chuckled, watching the annoyed angel in amusement. Realizing how things never really changed even through the test of time.

“I'm just kidding! But yeah, i know a good place.”

“So.... Uh, Do you mind if...”

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