[VI] Chasing chaos

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Third Person

The shaken eyes of the archangels inside the room got Mashiho worried, thinking he should've informed them earlier that he already met one of the immortals they are looking for.

The silence shuttered with Asahi's deep sigh. "Four immortals left. We should make a plan on how to catch them and send them back immediately."

Jeongwoo tilt his head in confusion. "What do you mean four immortals left? We only have Dr. Choi and Dr. Kim on our watch."

"That one guy during the basketball tournament. I'm sure he's an immortal."

"Which one? There's three of them." Mashiho ask earning a pair of eyes darted on him.

"That Yoshi guy seems suspicious."

Silence filled the room, they suddenly feel exhausted and drained just by finding out about these unexpected information. They shouldn't be focusing on other things but the problem is the guardian is connected to all the chaos that is happening, otherwise they won't be chasing after it like lambs on the run.

Doyoung suddenly stand up. "Mashi should send a scroll to the highest and inform them how we're doing. Maybe they can give us a few advices in return. Goodnight, I'm heading to sleep." he said and lazily walk towards the room.

The aforementioned archangel only nodded as an answer before everyone eventually parted ways to get some rest after the exhausting day. As for Jeongwoo, he doesn't feel like sleeping or resting, as if none of those can actually help his mind be at ease.

He took out his phone and sent a message to their group chat that he's going out to take a walk and a breath of fresh air.

It was passed midnight already, the palace has a strict rule when it comes to curfew but Jeongwoo couldn't care less. He's more worried about their mission rather than getting caught in the hallways sneaking out of the apartment building.

Once he reached the mini garden at the back of the university near their apartment, Jeongwoo sat down on the grass facing the fish pond. As expected, there is no one around. He closed his eyes and did the breathing exercise to calm his nerves while slowly pulling out the grasses beneath him.

Along with his heavy exhales are his worries and vivid memories he can't seem to ignore no matter how much he tried.

"Can't sleep?" a voice interrupted.

Needless to waste time, he didn't bother looking around to check the owner of the voice.

"Leave me alone, Haruto." he replied and throw the poor grasses he pulled from the ground.

"I'm certain your building has a curfew, how did you manage to go out?" Haruto asked, ignoring his words and casually sitting half a meter away from the archangel.

"I sneaked out obviously"

The tall immortal chuckles. "Where did your angelic principles go?"

Jeongwoo slightly grin and shake his head. "We don't always have to follow the rules."

"That's the same old and typical you." Haruto mindlessly blurt out and it's too late when he realized what he just said.

The latter tilt his head on his direction and knit his eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"

Haruto calmly shrug his shoulders and avoided his gaze by starring at the pond. "Why did you sneaked out?"

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