[XXVIII] Waiting Game

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Third Person

After a rush of colors comes a moment of blindness, not literally but rather the things that we fail to see when we were floating in cloud nine momentarily. Park Jeongwoo was convinced that the universe was made to pull tricks on him and make him run around in circles. He suddenly woke up the next morning without hearing anything from Haruto— no text messages, missed calls, and even his presence alone. The only thing left is the cute little puppy playing with a teether back on their unit. 

The archangel of hope muttered a curse under his breath as he slammed his phone on his desk, the professor announced he was going to be late for a good hour so they clearly have nothing to do. Some of their block mates left to eat but Doyoung convinced him to stay in the lecture hall, too lazy to walk around. The latter was sitting next to him also fiddling on his phone, his eyebrows would crease from time to time and he'd go back to smiling like a lovesick fool. 

Jeongwoo rolled his eyes, still annoyed that Haruto was not picking up his calls. He is a bit worried but he didn't want to overthink and go beyond his imagination. The immortal has been oversleeping lately and this is not the first time that he'll come late to a lecture but it would probably be the first time he's skipping the class without Jeongwoo tagging along. 

"I hate him. He's being annoying." he whispered earning a judgemental look from Doyoung who definitely thinks that the latter was overreacting. The archangel narrowed his eyes and was about to throw a playful snap when the professor suddenly walk inside the hall, catching the attention of the block as he takes the center spot. 

"Park Jeongwoo and Kim Doyoung are excused from the lecture for they have been called to the higher office of the Solar. You may go." The professor announced and gestured for them to take their leave.

The two aforementioned divines froze on their seats as cold sweat forms on their foreheads, nervous of the unknown reason why they were called all of a sudden when they have never been there since they descended. 

Jeongwoo's heart was beating so fast and the only thing he could think of that may be the reason as to why they were called is one of the archangels were caught. They both rushed to the office chanting spells and prayers along the way in hopes that it will lessen the possible damage that has been discovered. The moment the door of the office sprung open, Jeongwoo knew it wasn't a piece of good news. 

And what can be worse than not having Haruto around? The arrival of the scroll from the higher through Mashiho, the messenger of the realm. The scripture informed them to start counting their days for the mission given was subject to revocation because the guardian went back to its gate. Jeongwoo felt desperate, dumb, foolish, and betrayed but there's a strong feeling of trust that became dominant in his system. 

"Haruto left for hell, didn't he?" It's Asahi who asked, approaching him right after the scroll of order was delivered to the higher office. The older was quick to drag him away from the other angels who were as surprised as they both are. 

"I guess so. The attacks stopped, the scroll of order arrived, and the hellborn is back in hell. The deadly sins will probably follow because their source of power is no longer here, therefore our mission is done."

Asahi automatically pulls Jeongwoo to comfort him through a loose hug while caressing his back to soothe him. The younger angel sighed the heavy feeling off his chest, unable to form words that could possibly assure the older that he's fine and he can get through it. 

"Haruto is gone and he left for hell with your heart with him. That's a little cruel." The latter replied still hugging his frame and Jeongwoo could only bit his lips in anxiousness and despair. 

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