[XVIII] War of Miscreants

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Third Person

It has been hours since Jeongwoo locked himself inside his shared room with Mashiho. The latter has a night shift duty to attend in the hospital but he left at 6 in the morning to assist Dr. Kim. With that, Jeongwoo can use the room freely without minding his surroundings. Even though he was scared as hell he decided to finally open the book containing the story of the tainted angel that according to Doyoung was actually about him.  Scared would be a complete understatement. He inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled, trying to calm his nerves. 

The tale of the tainted Angel 
page 890

Ramiel, The archangel of hope. A divine being credited with two tasks: responsible for divine intervention and a guide for the souls of the faithful into Heaven. He was the archangel of exceptional kindness and beauty but no one has ever thought an act of good deed would be the reason the loved angel would be tainted. In contrast to other divine beings who were temporarily sent to the palace in the human realm to finish their divine doctrines, archangel Ramiel stayed inside the barriers of heaven.  

However, Deep down in the dungeons of hell are the prisoners who only feels endless agony lies. A year before they were pushed into the fires of hell, an angel comes by to enlighten them and give them a chance for their next lives. That year, the angel volunteered to give a prisoner the light and so he was tasked to give it to the being on the deepest part of the dungeon. An immortal being who was imprisoned for killing the leader of the legion. 

Day by day for a good week he would come back to give a prisoner a talk. At first, he refused to respond but because the angel of hope was very persistent, the prisoner found himself slowly responding and opening up to the archangel. Ramiel tried his best to win him to the light. To experience metanoia. To secure a future for him in his next life. What he did not know, the moment he stepped in into the dungeon, the prisoner already lose hope to be in the light. 

The angel stirred emotions the prisoner never encountered. Emotions and feelings that he was never allowed to feel. Every laugh the angel makes, every story he would tell, and every detail of his gorgeous face, the prisoner memorized them all— every little piece of it. He had no escape. Their encounter last for a long time. 

One faithful day, the angel came back crying droplets of his precious tears. He was on his knees confessing his sin, the sin of falling in love with the lowest being who deserves nothing but pain. The prisoner being too delighted of what he had heard, confessed his own feelings as well— not realizing the danger that would soon befall. 

For in the order, no one, not even an Archangel can bend the rule. Upon knowing the love that started to bloom, as a punishment, the oracle tainted the angel who was one's heaven's epitome. An angelic rune in the form of a thorned rose appeared right in the angel's nape. A symbol that represents he was tainted by the love he had that was forbidden. 

Jeongwoo unconsciously let go of the book in his hand. It's happening again. The vision, blurred faces, blood, and thorns. He painfully crouches down, hands on his temple as if it will help ease his sudden dizziness. Suddenly the world is spinning before him, his breathing heavies and he can feel his heart beating unstable.

"AAAAAAAAAAH" he screamed in pain and he didn't even realize it came from him. He just stayed in his position fighting something that he feels is suffocating him until the only thing he can hear was the abnormal beating of his heart, echoing in his mind like a broken music box before everything turned pitch black. 

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