[XXV] Puppy Love

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Third Person

Three days. It has been exactly 3 days since Haruto left for his business no one knew about except Yoshi, Yoonbin, and Jihoon. The archangel was so close to coming up with a conclusion that he has been ghosted by the immortal since he literally didn't hear anything from Haruto since then. His mind came up with different reasons as to why Haruto will do that to him but ended with the most dramatic ones that even the most patient archangel, Mashiho or Gabriel, can't afford to listen even just for a few minutes. 

"It's only been 3 days. Calm down, Jeongwoo." Asahi commented in irritation and Jeongwoo never felt so betrayed until this day came. 

"Oh shut up, please. You will never understand my sentiment because you have been sticking with Engr. Yoon like a freaking super glue. You even visited him on the site, sleepover at his place, meet each other during breaks, and so on." 

Doyoung who's listening to the conversation drops the book he's reading and facepalm at the two in fascination while Asahi only looked away, guilty of the truth. "You know what? Instead of stressing over your boyfriend whatsoever, why don't we just hang out and eat somewhere?" he suggested.

"Go out and eat? Since when did you become interested in hanging out, Uriel?" Mashiho countered, furrowing his brows suspiciously towards the younger.

"Just say you want to avoid Atty. Bang and go." The youngest archangel teased. 

And that's how they got him to admit the catch. Doyoung explained how much he's annoyed at the attorney for asking him too many favors such as accompanying him to trials he's not interested in, organizing his files sorted into different categories and all, or just random things that don't make sense but at the end of the day, he always finds himself standing outside of the office, waiting for the foxy-eyed attorney. 

"What about you give him a chance?" Mashiho spoke.

Doyoung rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as he replied. "What about no?" 

The bothered archangel stood up raising his arms to stop the two from arguing further. "Cut that nonsense. Let's hangout, it's my treat." Their excited screams earned an exhausted sigh from Jeongwoo who was the first to exit the music room. 

The archangels decided to hang out in a random arcade center in the city and tried various game machines and even photo booths where they snap multiple photos so everyone has their own copy. Mashiho wasted his money on a claw machine of stuffed toys and gave up in frustration when he realized he's not gaining anything. 

Junghwan and Doyoung on the other hand tried a shooting game, they both jump in enthusiasm like little kids when they won two hundred tickets from playing three rounds. Meanwhile, Asahi and Jeongwoo played the mini punching bag machine that only knocked the hell out of the younger that caused a breathless round of laughter from Asahi. They eventually moved on from the arcade when Junghwan started complaining that he's hungry. 

The group ended up in a dog cafe just a few blocks away from the arcade. Jeongwoo smiled at the comfortable and warm atmosphere of the place. Junghwan rushed to get the menu while Mashiho quickly crouches down to get in touch with the puppies all over the place. He suddenly remembered the time he ditched classes with Haruto and visited a dog cafe. The more he thought of the latter, the more his longing for his presence develops and he could only sigh at the feeling. 

"If you miss him so much, try calling him again. Who knows? Maybe he'll answer it this time." Doyoung stated from the side. Jeongwoo casually clings unto him with a smile. "Thank you." he replied. 

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