[XXVII] Gift of Choice

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Third Person

And so they say, love is not about feeling good about what you're doing. It is about doing what you don't wanna do because it needs to be done for the sake of that special someone in your life. Maybe goodbyes aren't the hardest but rather the decision you have to make before crossing a new path. Watanabe Haruto smiled to himself while slowly walking at the open field of the palace, a dog leash on his right hand; with love cutely running around in circles to chase his cute little tail.

The moment he opened his eyes early in the morning, he knew that the heavy feeling on his chest won't go away especially that he has to meet Jeongwoo and make things clear between them. Truth be told, he wasn't even surprised when the younger finally figured out who he is, as he always says, it's just a matter of time.

Haruto chuckled when he saw a familiar figure walking from the entrance sporting sunglasses. It was Jeongwoo timidly approaching his direction with flushing red cheeks, sharing the same color on his nose indicating how badly he cried himself to sleep last night. The immortal couldn't help but feel something tugging his heart just merely looking at the archangel's appearance.

Jeongwoo did not waste any time and immediately wrapped his arms around the immortal upon reaching where he was. Burying his face right above Haruto's chest while the taller place his hands on Jeongwoo's back, pulling him close while his other hand landed on Jeongwoo's hair gently tapping it as a way of consoling him.

"I brought love with me. Let's take him on a walk before we eat." Haruto was the first to break the loud silence which only gained a small nod and a soft hum from the latter.


Their day went by fast and they spent it visiting amusement parks where both of them almost puke their internals out from all the rides while love was temporarily guarded by the staff working in the booth. They also tried playing tent games and even took cute pictures as ordinary couples do on a date, after which they ate at a local diner in the same part of the city where the amusement park was.

The two ended the day at the shoreline located at the border of the city watching the sun be eaten by the sea. Haruto sitting with his hands supporting Jeongwoo's back as the latter leaned on his chest, both of them cherishing the moment in front of a majestic sunset.

"Do you hate me?" Haruto asked all of a sudden making Jeongwoo rise from his previous position, sitting straight now and facing the taller.

"You never lied, you just hide the truth. That's different. So why would I hate you?" The archangel answered with his eyes narrowing at the taller.

"I caused the attacks and most importantly, I let the deadly sins wander around the realm." Haruto confessed, his weight now resting on both of his arms as he leaned back trying to catch the last of the beautiful scenery laid before them.

"I just want to know why you did those. I'm sure you had your reasons."

His hopeful eyes melted every inch of Haruto who was trying so hard to hide the heaviness in his heart. A deep sigh was heard from the taller before he answered. "For love. For you."

Silence envelops both of them, Jeongwoo can already feel his tears pooling on the corners of his eyes who are looking at Haruto with so much confusion. Disbelief was visibly drawn on his angelic features and Haruto almost lost his shit while staring at it.

"I tricked the officials. I dirtied my already dirty hands to make chaos just to summon you and the heavens surprisingly answered the whimpers of my evil heart. I sent rogues to the Solar and Stellar, I ask the vixens to spread the news of the hellborn guardian and such. I did everything I could to ensure you'd stay here longer.... with me." Haruto explained, his heart constricting inside his chest while his eyes tried their best to look anywhere but the archangel beside him who was having a hard time processing everything he said.

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