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two decades later


Third Person

Have you ever felt like you've forgotten something very important to you?

Park Jeongwoo, a typical guy in his 20s woke up with a family he doesn't even recognize as his. One thing is for sure, he was told to have a picture-perfect life. A Perfect life. Wealthy family, great university life, excellent career plans, and a bunch of good and reliable friends. But above all the great things in his life, he can't help but question his existence. Every day he would lock himself in his room and cry over the emptiness in his heart— something he couldn't understand and explain.

Everything seems normal until he woke up on his 21st birthday and started having these nightmares and heavy feelings every day. As if it was made to convince him that he's not the person he is right now. As if the life he has doesn't line up with what his family tells him.

"Jeongwoo?" he heard his mom called, knocking twice on his door before opening it. The woman smiled amiably at him. "I'm going to the grocery today. Do you want anything for dinner?"

He forced out a bright smile and approach the woman. "Anything is fine, mom. Just get me a pack of mochi please." Jeongwoo answered, earning a nod from his mother before the latter left him alone again.

His thoughts were interrupted by the loud ringing of his phone. It was Kim Doyoung, a dance major from the university, he just became friends with the latter a year ago but since then, he was introduced to Doyoung's friends that eventually became his friends too.

"You didn't attend your morning class?" the latter said on the other line causing Jeongwoo to sigh.

"I don't have a morning class. Why? Are you guys hanging out?"

Jeongwoo heard waves of laughter and screams from the other line, obviously symbolizing that Doyoung is already with their group of friends. "I'm on my way." he replied and ended the call.

The drive to their usual hangout place is quick. He arrived in fifteen minutes and was welcomed with the same chaotic circle he belongs to. He slowly slides the glass door open and left his shows behind. A movie playing on the huge projector screen, scattered chips around the place, cans of soft drinks, nerf guns, and a messy pile of Uno cards on the center table.

"You're late, Jeongwooooo!!!" It was Junghwan who screamed, the youngest in their group of friends.

"We already finished the whole box of pizza!" Asahi, a friend who's majoring in fine arts.

"Can you guys clean up your own freaking mess?! I'm not a maid!" Jeongwoo laughs at Mashiho's frustrated yell but soon distanced himself quickly. Making him sit on the very end of the available couch where he saw their other friend, Jihoon, snuggling close to his boyfriend of 3 years— Choi Hyunsuk, a senior from the Department of Natural Science.

"Here. I saved two pieces for you." Doyoung came out of nowhere handing him a plate of overload pizza that he gladly took and place on his lap. Behind is Doyoung's boyfriend who had his hands rested on the younger male's waist. It was Bang Yedam, a Political Science major.

"Thanks. I can tell you guys had so much fun, judging how Mashiho is frustrated with the mess." he replied laughing as he took a bite of his pizza.

"Don't mind him. He's just frustrated over his boyfriend who hasn't texted him for two days because of a case study." Asahi intervened and gently pushes him to seat beside him.

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