[III] The fall of light

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Third Person

The tanned skin Korean grumpily walk inside the room. Stomach loudly rumbling as he roam his eyes around to find Doyoung but the latter is nowhere to be found. Without a second thought he walk towards the last row of the room and settled down. If it's not for Doyoung he wouldn't sit in front and since the the other is not around, he has no reason to be there.

Jeongwoo boredly glance at the whole class, the room is almost filled but there's no sight of their female professor. He pick up his phone and search for Doyoung's contact.


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[Word format]

Jeongwoo: Doyoung
: Where are you?
: Are you coming to class?

Doyoung: Hey
: I won't attend the morning class
: Something came up

Jeongwoo: Huh? You don't even know anyone here.
: What exactly happened?

Doyoung: I'm going to the restricted part of the Solar library

Jeongwoo: I wanna come along!

Doyoung: Sshhh! Stay in the class
: Take notes for me
: Gotta go, see you later!

Just when he's about to reply, a small box is suddenly pushed closer to him. Jeongwoo look up only to see the tall Japanese taking the vacant seat beside him after placing the box of munchkin.

"What is this for?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"You went out of the convenience store empty handed. I just thought you haven't eaten yet." Haruto explained earning an unconvinced stare from the latter.

"What is it to you? We're not friends or whatever, you're still a weird guy to me. Take this back."

Jeongwoo's words were immediately thrown into a pit when the other male ignored him and busied himself by talking to an unfamiliar guy on the side.

The archangel heave a deep sigh and stand up, picking his belongings to leave. It seems that the professor will not come and if ever she would, Jeongwoo already lost his drive to wait.

"Where are you going, Angel?" Haruto curiously look at him and stand up as if he wants to go with the latter.

The younger only ignored him and went out of the room, leaving the box of munchkin Haruto gave him. With that, the taller male quickly followed behind and ran after him. "Can i go with you?!"

"Leave me alone, I'm going to the solar."

And he walked away from him. The solar library is located on the 7th floor of their building and since the class he was supposed to attend earlier is on the 2nd, he has to go all the way there just to find books that might help him remember his forgotten memories.

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