Chapter Four: Robby's been doing WHAT?

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At school the next day, the five of us were sitting in the library studying and working on class work

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At school the next day, the five of us were sitting in the library studying and working on class work. It was silent because Miguel had just told us his mom wasn't letting him do karate anymore. Wasn't a surprise to me but it was to everyone else. Has my blood boiling at this point. I had never seen my dad so happy before and now his happiness was being taken away.

"So that's it? No more karate?", Demetri asked Miguel. Miguel had this sad look on his face. "I guess so.", he replied.

"It's probably for the best, it was starting to boost your confidence.", Dem said. But wasn't that supposed to be a good thing? Don't you want to have a high confidence?

"Isn't that a good thing?", Miguel asked, saying my thoughts out loud. I silently agreed with him by nodding my head. Brianna also did the same.

"No, what has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?", Dem asked. I mean that's one way to think but come on? It mostly never works out that way. Demetri and his negative thinking.

"Well I thought it was kinda cool how you stood up to Kyler.", Eli spoke up. Huh. Who woulda thought? I smiled at that. "Don't forget I was there to ya know. I saved Miggy's ass", I said laughing and using the nickname his mom always used. Miguel laughed at that too and silently agreed with me.

"Yea, you too Addy.", Eli added in with a small smile. "Are you insane? Let me ask you, what is the best super power anyone could have?", Dem asked us. Oh this was easy.

"Teleportation.", Me and Brianna said at the same time. I turned to high-five her. She's one of my best friends for a reason.

"Super strength.", Miguel said.

"Wrong, all three of you. Invisibility. A distant second would be super speed to run away fast." Dem said. Just then Kyler and his friend Brucks came up to our table. Shit. This won't be good at all.

"Run away from who?", Kyler asked while leaning over Eli. Miguel sighed out loud knowing what was coming.

"Whom." Brucks said. I looked at him weirdly. What the fuck? "It's the object of preposition. Remember English class?", he kept on going. Kyler turned to him with a weird look.

"We were just going.", Bri said to them. We all started to pack up all of our stuff to get the hell up outta here quickly. But before we could really go anywhere, Kyler grabbed Eli by the back of the neck. Holy fuck. Can't he leave him alone for once?

"Hey where you going? Look at this freak.", Kyler said, grabbing Eli's face obviously looking at the scar on his lip. "What kinda girl would ever kiss this shit?", Kyler asked no one in particular.

"Me.", I said boldly. I'm seriously hoping this will make Kyler leave him alone more. We all know that isn't true though. Worth a shot.

"Of course you would. A freak with another freak. Makes a lot of sense. Though, I do know how you like to just kiss anyone.", Kyler said to me with a smug smile. I knew exactly what he was referring to and he was absolutely wrong. I clenched my fists and felt the blood pumping through every inch of my body. There were tingles running down my whole face and I knew I looked angry as shit. I saw Kylers face and he looked scared but he covered it up with a smile. I didn't miss the huge gulp he took though.

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