Metanoia: the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.
"You don't see it do you? You're becoming the thing you feared the most. The thing that's tormented you and your friends since the third grade." I said to him, meaning every...
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"Eli put it back!" I exclaimed and snatched the present out of his hands. He playfully pouted and stomped back to his couch. I laughed at his reaction and placed the present back under the tree.
"Come on, Addy. I don't want to wait on the lovebirds to exchange gifts." He whined. I laughed again at his impatience.
"They'll be here any second, love." I said to him and sat down next to him on the couch. He rested his arm on the back of the couch where I was.
"Love?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence. My cheeks went red.
"Ye-yeah. It just sort of slipped out." I stuttered. He chuckled lightly at my nervousness.
"I think it's cute. I like it." He said quietly. Just then I heard a hard knocking on the door and went to get the door.
Demetri and Brianna were standing there with gifts in their hands, ready to come in. "Come on guys. Eli has been so impatient and is ready to open gifts." I teased.
"I heard that!" He yelled. Demetri and Brianna chuckled at his response. We moved into the living room where a nice size Christmas tree was sitting in the corner and presents sat underneath it. Demetri and Bri put there's under there and took a seat in the love sofa in front of me and Eli.
"Can we open them already?" Eli asked impatiently. I sighed.
"Yes Eli. We can finally open presents." I said. Eli smiled and jumped up, heading over to his pile and handing our presents to all of us.
Demetri opened his first and it was a collection of the original comics he was really into right now.
"Holy shit. THESE ARE THE ORIGINALS!" He shrieked. He then went over and gave Eli one of those bro hugs and Bri opened hers next. It was a jewelry box with a picture of her and Demetri on the top. She squealed and gave Eli a short hug.
I looked down at the semi-small box in my hand and opened it slowly. I pulled the top off to reveal one of the most beautiful necklaces I've ever seen(picture up top).
A small gasp escaped my lips as I looked at the necklace. There was a small, pink flower in it with a vintage gold looking chain.
"Wow Eli... this is beautiful." I said. He took the necklace from my hands and pushed my hair out of the way, putting it on for me. I smiled at his action and turned around once he was done. I pulled him in for a hug and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you so much." I whispered and pulled away, remembering we have an audience. We haven't told anyone about our little kiss yet.
"My turn!" Demetri blurted and jumped out of his seat. Brianna giggled at his action. He walked around and handed us each our present.
Bri went first of course. It was a small box and she pulled out a really pretty ring.
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It was small and simple but very unique. She gasped in awe and pulled him into a hug and gave him a quick kiss. I've never seen the two look so happy. It made my heart warm knowing that after years of silence and hurt, they finally found happiness within each other.
I went next and it was a really pretty blue sweater. I thanked Demetri and put it neatly back in the box. Eli went last. It was tickets to see the new Doctor Who movie. Eli was really excited and did another bro hug with Demetri.
Brianna went next with her presents. Demetri got a new wallet and a few t-shirts. Eli got a framed picture of all of us when we were younger playing at the beach. I got a locket with a picture of me and her. I gave her a big hug for that one.
It was my turn. I always got nervous when it came to giving gifts. I always have this thought that they won't like them. I handed everyone their presents and sat back down on the couch.
Demetri went first. He opened his box to first edition Marvel comics. They were originally mine, passed down from my grandpa Sid who was insanely rich but I never read them anymore.
"Holy hell, Addy. These must have cost a fortune, my apologies, but definitely more than you could afford. How did you get them?" He asked me. I chuckled at his response.
"I've always had them. I got them from my Grandpa Sid and I already read them a million times. I didn't need them anymore so they're yours. Plus, Eli likes DC more than marvel anyways." I said.
"Thank you so much." Demetri replied and immediately began to read one. Brianna went next. She opened her box to a personalized bracelet with a picture of us on a charm shaped in a heart. She did her famous squeal and gave me a hug.
"Thank you so much, Addy. It's so pretty. I love it." She said and went to sit back down.
Eli was the last one. I was really nervous for this one. He opened his gift to a moon lamp with a picture of us on it. It could change to 8 different colors. A small gasp escaped his lips and I bit my bottom lip in anxiousness.
"Wow, Addy. This is... amazing. I absolutely love it. Thank you." He said and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly.
We pulled away after a few seconds and I cleared my throat. "Who wants cookies?"
They all jumped up and ran to the kitchen like children. I laughed quietly at their childish actions. I made my way to the kitchen and already found them devouring the cookies. For some reason everyone loved my chocolate chip cookies. Always making them for birthdays and holidays. I didn't mind though. I always liked making them.
"These never fail, Addy. God they are so good." Demetri said with a mouthful of cookie. I thanked him and went to grab one myself.
I won't lie, they seriously are good. "So, y'all down to binge watch Christmas movies?" I asked them, heading back to the living room.
"Of course. Just not the one with the creepy elf dentist. It freaks me out." Demetri said. I laughed.
"He's not that creepy. He's just made out of clay." I said to him as Eli plopped down next to me.
"Exactly why he's creepy. The way he talks and moves... it just freaks me out." Demetri shuddered. I grabbed the remote and put on Netflix, looking for The Grinch. It was one of my favorites. We all got comfortable.
The rest of that night was filled with binge watching movies. Demetri and Brianna eventually went home after three movies so it was me and Eli left. I was washing the dishes as Eli sat near the island, watching.
"So... how about we go on a date?" Eli blurted. I whipped around, flinging dish soap everywhere. Some splattered on his face and I chuckled. I grabbed a rag and went to clean his face.
He grabbed my wrist and I looked into his eyes. "So... you gonna give me an answer or what?"
"Yes. I'll go on a date with you." I said and backed away, heading back to do my dishes.
I finished washing and putting the dishes away. It had gotten really late. "I should head home. See my dad for a bit." I said to him.
He nodded his head. "Yea you probably should. Tonight was great. I loved my present by the way." He murmured and pulled me into a hug.
"I loved mine too. It's really pretty."
"Well I'm glad you like it. Please drive safe." He said as I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.
"I will. I promise." I said and walked out, closing the door behind me.
A/N: Just a fun little short chapter for ya. How do you think their date will go? Feedback is always appreciated!! Thank you for 6k reads!!!