Chapter Nineteen: Moon's Party

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It's been about three weeks and summer was almost over

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It's been about three weeks and summer was almost over. Me and Trey have been doing well. I've been training like crazy lately. It's been a huge stress reliever so far.

Things between me and Eli have gotten even more tense as his assholeness has been steadily rising. Still being an arrogant prick. We bicker all the time and it's gotten so bad at one point to where people had to pull us apart so we didn't rip each other's throats out.

What's been bothering me the most is that my feelings for him are still there and still as strong as ever. It makes no sense and I still haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet. But my feelings for Trey are steadily rising as well.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as my phone rang, Robby's name popping up. I clicked the green button and put it up to my ear.

"Hey Rob, what's up?" I asked him.

"It's mom. She's back. You need to get to the LaRussos. Now." He said. My eyes widened. She's back. I ended the phone call and didn't hesitate to grab my car keys and jump in my car.

I put Mr. LaRusso's address in my phone and sped off to his house. It only took me 10 minutes and I immediately hopped out of my car and ran inside the house.

It was just Robby and mom sitting there in the living room. I slowly made my way over to the couch and sat down next to Robby.

"I'm sorry. Robby... Addy, I'm sorry. I... Cabo was a mistake." She said. I shook my head.

"I could've told you that." Robby said.

"I know I, uh... I know that I haven't been there for either of you two... especially you Addy and I... God, it's been hard for me. I wanna make things right. But, um... I have to leave again." She said. I scoffed. And here I thought we were getting an actual apology.

"Of course. Where to this time? Baja, Vegas?" Robby asked her.

"Rehab." She simply said. My face softened up at that one word. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge but you can't blame me. She's always running off to another country or state with some random guy. It was good to hear she's going to rehab.

"I need help, sweeties. And it's taken me a really long time to realize that. But I-I. The drinking, the pills, I... I have to change. I want to, for the both of you." She said. I smiled at that.

"That's great, mom." Robby replied to her.

"Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso said that you're welcome to stay with them, you know, until I'm done with my program... You can also stay with your father." She said and that shocked me. She's been trying to keep him away from Robby for the longest time and now she wants him to come around?

"No." Robby simply said.

"Look, I know the two of you don't have the best of relationships, but that's... that's partly my fault. I don't want my own issues with your dad to poison you against him. He does care about you. I know he wants you in his life." She finished. She's finally owning up to her mistakes. Robby nodded his head.

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