Metanoia: the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.
"You don't see it do you? You're becoming the thing you feared the most. The thing that's tormented you and your friends since the third grade." I said to him, meaning every...
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I rushed through the hospital looking for the front desk. I ran up to the lady, startling her. "Excuse me ma'am. I need to see Miguel Diaz." I said breathlessly as I bent over and put my hands on my knees. Holy shit I should not be this out of breath.
She gave me the room number after looking at me like I'm crazy. I ran to his room and skidded to a stop in the doorway. He really was awake.
He turned towards me and a smile took place on his face. I slowly walked in returning the smile. I couldn't believe it.
"Hey, Addy." The brown eyed boy said to me. My eyes lit up and a big smile spread across my face. I sat down on the edge of the bed and took his hand in mine.
"Hi, Miggy." I whispered. Tears filled my eyes as I looked over the boy. He was in a body brace. The whole thing went from his torso to his head. He was paralyzed as of right now.
My lip began to quiver and I became angry at myself. When did I become such a cry baby? Miguel squeezed my hand. "I heard what you said to me a couple weeks back in the hospital. Turns out some people can still hear while in a coma. It's not your fault, Addy. It should not have been you. You tried to save my life and I couldn't ask for anything more. You truly are an amazing friend. So please stop doubting yourself. I can see it in your eyes. If it was the other way around, I could never forgive myself." Tears slipped down my cheeks as he went on. He took his other hand and tried to reach over to wipe them but his brace stopped him. His face dropped and I wiped them myself.
"How do you think I'm feeling now, Miggy? I feel the exact same way. I'm having a hard time forgiving myself. You're like a brother to me and have been so good to me as a friend. You've been there for me through everything this past year and this is how I repay you. A trip to the hospital and a damn coma." I said and chuckled at the last part. He chuckled too.
"No, Addy. You've had my back multiple times. It's like my mom said, I returned the favor. I just got hurt in the process. So please, please stop beating yourself up over this." Miguel said and squeezed my hand again. I nodded my head and sniffled.
"Thank you by the way. For taking care of my Yaya and my mom. They told me you checked on them everyday and always asked if there was anything you could do to help. Thank you for keeping your promise." He continued.
"Of course, Miguel. It's the slightest way I can repay you for saving my life. But I'm gonna help you get on your feet again. I promise I will." I said with determination in my voice.
The brown eyed boy lowered his eyes and I took notice. "Whats wrong, Miguel?" I asked him.
"The doctor said there's a big chance I might never walk again." He replied. My eyes widened. I knew this could be a possibility but I didn't know it could actually come true.
"I'm so sorry, Miggy." I whispered and looked down. Just then my phone dinged, signaling a message. I took it out of my back pocket and saw a message from my father figure.