Metanoia: the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.
"You don't see it do you? You're becoming the thing you feared the most. The thing that's tormented you and your friends since the third grade." I said to him, meaning every...
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I was sitting in class next to some random dude who smelled horrible. We were taking the PSAT which was stupid as hell. It was boring and actually quite easy so I was already finished with it.
I heard Miguel and Dem behind me having a quiet conversation. I turned to them. "What are you two losers talking about?"
"Girlfriends of my future. I gotta do well on this practice test, so I can do well on the actual test, so I get into a good college, which will lead to a good internship, then a high paying job, and then after a couple promotions, I should have enough confidence to get a super hot girlfriend", Dem explained with a smirk. I sniggered at him. The way he plans this shit out has always been hilarious to me.
"You guys got the karate thing. I gotta play the long game, so Addy stop laughing at me", Dem said while pointing his pencil at me. I started to laugh harder and covered my mouth so I wouldn't get in trouble with the teacher.
The practice test was finally over and the bell rang so we all hurried out of there. My ass was numb from sitting in that seat so long and I felt sleepy. Sam was waiting for Miguel outside. They kissed and I turned towards Demetri and fake gagged. He laughed at the action and we went ahead without Miguel.
"Soooo how are you and Brianna doing?", I asked Dem. I hadn't talked to him about her ever before and I wanted to see if he'd give me the truth about their hang outs.
"We are doing good. Just trying to build a friendship for right now. I really do like her ya know. I just don't think she feels the same." Dem opened up to me. He usually doesn't ever open to up anyone like this besides me. But him admitting his feelings for one of our long time friends was a whole other step for him.
"You're crazy if you think she doesn't feel the same. I've seen the way you two have been looking at each other lately and it's quite obvious to everyone around you guys. You two would make such a good match. And I know you two would make each other very happy", I told him with a small smile.
He turned towards me and wrapped me in a hug. "Thank you for the reassurance, Addy. You always know how to make me feel better.", Dem said and pulled away from me. I gave him a big smile and a thanks and went our separate ways.
It was after school and me, Miguel, Dem, Aisha, Eli, and Bert were all at the park. I was sitting on the ground in front of Miguel who was playing with my hair, upset with Sam.
"Come on, eat something. It'll make you feel better" Demetri said. "I told you I'm not hungry, man." Miguel replied with slight attitude.
"You can't sulk around forever ya know." I told him. Sam's a nice girl, but she's gotta figure out this shit with her family and Cobra Kai. Im sure once her dad meets Miguel, he'll see not all Cobras are bad.
Eli and Bert were training in the back behind us. Demetri and Miguel went back and forth. Dem saying one thing, while Miguel shut what he said down.