Metanoia: the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.
"You don't see it do you? You're becoming the thing you feared the most. The thing that's tormented you and your friends since the third grade." I said to him, meaning every...
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"UGH", I yelled as I threw my phone across the room. I fucking hate online bullies. I absolutely can't stand it. Why the hell do people feel the need to say mean and rude things online?
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?", my dad yelled across the house, or really our little apartment.
"Just my stupid phone!", I answer him. I look back down at my phone as I went to pick it up. My screen was cracked and I grabbed my hair in frustration. It was a bad habit as well as biting my lip. I got up and went out into the living room where my dad was sitting on the couch watching tv. I went into the kitchen to pop some popcorn so I could watch with him but I opened the cabinet and it was all gone. I groaned, annoyed as fuck.
"What's wrong now Addy?", my dad asked lazily. "Theres no popcorn left Dad.", I answered him. I was quite sad since popcorn was my favorite snack to snack on while watching movies or a tv show. I shrugged and sat down next to him watching some old 80s movie it looked like. My phone dinged and I looked at it. It was a text from my best girl friend, Brianna Parker. It was asking to meet up at the park near my house. I told her I would be on my way.
"I'm gonna go meet up with Bri, dad", I told him. "Alright have fun Adds.", he said back, not bothering to look away from the tv. I got up and put my jacket on and my vans and headed out. It was a bit chilly tonight so I sped walked my way there to try to get some warmth in my body.
I finally got there and smiled big. Brianna had been my best friend since the fourth grade, a year after I met my two guy best friends. She was always so nice to me whereas everyone else was so mean and cold hearted and bullied me. I saw her sitting on the swings as we usually do when we meet at the park.
"Hey Bri what's up?" I asked her. Something must be important because the look on her face told me so. She can be so easy to read.
"I have something to tell you Addy, but I'm not sure I'm even ready to admit it out loud.", she said with nervousness in her eyes. Brianna is almost never nervous so something must be really up with her."Alright well you know you can always tell me anything." I told her reassuringly. She just smiled at me, looked up at the sky and took a deep breath.
"IthinkimightlikeDemetri." She blurted out. Although I could barley hear what she said.
"What did you say Bri?", I asked her with confusion.
"I said, I think I might like Demetri.", she said much slower and clearer. Oh wow. Honestly it was so obvious so I wasn't that surprised but I was really surprised she was so nervous to tell me something like that.
"Oh I know Bri, it's not hard to figure out." I told her giggling. She turned and looked at me wide eyed. "WHAT?", she exclaimed. "Am I really that obvious?", she asked. I just giggled and shook my head.
"Yes Bri, everyone can tell besides Demetri himself. Eli mentioned it to me the other day." I said with a pink hue at just the thought of him. Demetri and Eli had been my best friends since the third grade. Ever since I offered my chocolate milk to him and a cookie to Demetri, we hit off since then. I smiled at the memory.
"Speaking of Eli, when are you going to tell him about your feelings for him?", Bri asked me with a sly smile. The thing is, I never told her I had feelings for him. I knew he didn't feel the same and I knew it could ruin our friendship so I never said anything to anyone.
"I don't have feelings for him Bri.", I said while shaking my head. I started swinging my feet back and forth making the swing go up and down a little bit. Maybe I should tell her. She just confessed her feelings for Demetri. "Ya know what I lied, I do like him. I just don't want to ruin his and I's relationship and I know he doesn't feel the same way." I said with a small, sad smile.
"Oh come on Addy, he most definitely has feelings for you as well." She said trying to sound reassuring but I knew she has no idea of how he actually feels. Eli is very quiet and keeps a lot to himself. Except when it comes to the movies we watch with Demetri and sometimes Brianna. So he's kind of hard to read. He's still a very sweet kid and kind hearted. He doesn't deserve the bullying he gets.
"Maybe. But we won't ever know for a long time will we?" I said giggling. She knew how Eli was too.
The rest of that night was spent laughing and sharing memories with the boys and with just us two. This was always my favorite part of any night I spent with Bri. Always laughing and having a good time. I eventually went home and got ready for bed. I heard a knocking on my door and went to open it. There stood a tanned skin tone kid with dark brown eyes. He seemed to be my age and he was sure way taller than I am.
"Hello, who are you?", I asked him politely.
"I'm Miguel Diaz, we just moved in right across from your apartment. I live with my mom and my Yaya.", he said sticking out his hand.
"Oh that's cool! I'm Adelaide!" I replied and shook his hand. He seems like a really nice and sweet kid. Really cute as well.
"Maybe we can go to school together tomorrow? It would be nice to know someone on my first day and to show me around.", he said with a nervous smile.
"Of course! I'll he happy to help you!" I told him. I don't usually ever get this excited but for some reason I had a good feeling we were gonna be good friends. Definitely good friends.
"Alright well I better head home now, goodnight Adelaide.", he said waving and backing away.
"Goodnight Miguel," I said and shut my door. I had a good feeling about tomorrow and was excited for school for the first time in a long time.
A/N: well there goes my first chapter😅 I hope you guys liked it and I'm really excited for this story to take off. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!!