Metanoia: the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.
"You don't see it do you? You're becoming the thing you feared the most. The thing that's tormented you and your friends since the third grade." I said to him, meaning every...
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"A date?! With Eli? When did this happen?" My dad asked me as I put diamond studs in my ears.
"After the big fight at the LaRusso's. He needed a ride home and I ended up at his house for a while and we got to talking. He explained everything and apologized. He was vulnerable, Dad. Really vulnerable in those moments. He meant every word he said. He still has a lot to make up for but I believe he's partially back to the old Eli." I explained and grabbed my jacket, walking to the front door.
"Alright. Do you know where he's taking you?" My dad asked me. I nodded my head.
"Golf N Stuff." I said with a toothy smile.
"He's got good taste." My dad said and brought me into a hug. He kissed the top of my head and let go. I heard a car horn blare.
"That's my cue. I'll see you later, Dad. Love you!" I yelled and closed the door behind me. I padded my way across the apartments and to Eli's car. He got out and ran to the passenger side door, opening it for me.
"Thank you, E." I said softly and got in. He nodded his head and closed the door, heading back to the drivers side.
"You ready to do this?" He asked me as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking lot.
"Yep." I beamed and laced my fingers with his. I saw red tint his cheeks and a smile take place on his face. He shook his head playfully and we headed on our way to Golf N Stuff.
The car ride was filled with listening to music and Eli rubbing the side of my thumb with his own. My heart was pounding and butterflies filled my stomach. I was so nervous.
He pulled into the parking lot and parked in the front. He quickly got out and ran over to my side. I lightly chuckled at his action as he opened the door for me.
"Thank you kind sir." I teased.
"You're welcome, ma'lady." He answered and took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers once more. We headed inside and he bought tickets for the rides.
"Sooo, which ride is first?" He asked me.
"Rollercoasters." I said mischievously and his face turned white. He hated rollercoasters but always went on them with me. I laughed at his reaction as I grabbed his hand, dragging him to the first rollercoaster.
After about 5 rollercoaster rides, we were playing the mini games in the arcade, winning all kinds of tickets.
"HAHA I BEAT YOU THIS TIME!" I cheered and threw my hands up as the air hockey puck slid into Eli's goal one more time. He laughed at my reaction and gave me a high five.
"Let's go turn in our tickets and get some food, yeah?" He suggested. I nodded my head and grabbed all of the tickets I had won over the last hour and a half.