Chapter Twenty-one: He's Awake

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Season 1 Hawk😌✋🏻

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Season 1 Hawk😌✋🏻


It's been two weeks since me and Miguel were kicked over a railing. Robby was missing, Tory was expelled, Aisha was sent to a private school, Miguel is still stuck in a coma, and my back is still bruised as ever.

My dad hasn't been taking the whole incident very well. He's at the bar four times a week, comes home drunk off his ass and just bitches about the most random things. He avoids the topic at all costs.

It frustrates me because I have no one to talk to about this. The only person who would understand is in a deep sleep and might never walk again.

I'm not scared of Tory or anything. I'm scared for Miguel. I'm scared he's never going to get back on his feet. He deserves to be able to walk again. I shouldn't have let him turn us. The whole thing replayed in my mind over and over again. I can't escape it and it's starting to drive me insane.

It's all over the TVs, it's the talk of the small town. People look at me with pity as I walk through the streets. I always scoff at them. I don't need their pity nor do I want it.

I haven't been back to school. I've been helping Sam with her mental health and making sure she's okay. Robby left and the fight with Tory left some PTSD and anxiety within her.

My phone rang and I saw an unfamiliar number. I pressed the green button and put the phone up to my ear. "Hello? Who is this?" I asked.

"Hey, kid. It's your dad. I'm back in jail in again. Your grandfather should bail me out anytime soon so don't worry about me. I didn't want you to freak out that I didn't come home." He said.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. God damn it. "Alright, Dad. Just get home safe." I said and hung up. I was getting real fed up with him always drunk and in jail.

Today was the first day I'm going back to school. I can't learn shit by them sending work home and I need to face it all. The looks of pity, the shit talking. All of it.

I grabbed my backpack and headed out to my car. I hopped in and drove off, as slow as possible.

I pulled into the parking lot and I already felt holes being burnt into the back of my head as I parked my car. Of course you had to pick a nice car, Addy, so now everyone knows when you arrive. I sat there for a good minute, trying to work up the courage to walk in.

I sighed and grabbed my backpack from the back of the car and headed into the school, locking my car. When I walked in I saw three Cobras and three Miyagi dos facing off. Jesus Christ.

I walked over, straight into the middle, knowing they wouldn't go after each other if I was in their way.

"Knock it off. All six of you. Are you trying to get yourselves in trouble?" I said, looking back and forth at Eli and Demetri. They both looked down at me and backed up a little bit.

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