Chapter 7

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As I see Mia stepping out of Oliver's car, all those wicked memories come back; flooding my mind with sadness. I did realise what a nincompoop I was in Year 9. I don't even know why I did it. I was just so damn desperate for a girlfriend that I went to astronomical extents; stupidly. If I had the power, I'd like to rue that year and wipe it out of every person's memory that I hurt. I resent my Year 9 self. No one knows what happened, but the day that I first saw her is etched in my mind and is going to be there forever.

Amy, Oliver and I are at Burger King when I see Savannah and James step out of her Range Rover with a gorgeous and sexy girl wearing a black shirt and a tan skirt. She would look better in crop tops and shorts. She introduces herself as Mia. Oliver and Mia start arguing about her not going to parties and being underage. Well, even Oliver is underage. I am going to say so, but Amy becomes the arbitrator being the reasonable person she is. The three of them leave after Amy invites Mia to the party tonight. I honestly do not like the frat parties. Most of them conclude with some random chick despairingly wanting to hook up with me and me giving in. But this time, I had an instant appeal towards Mia. I didn't want to hook up with her. I wanted to date her. While getting ready, I see Oliver wearing a properly steamed tee. He usually wears creased and crinkled shirts and doesn't bother to iron them. Noah does it for him, but Oliver creases them again by folding them into a ball. He doesn't like things being precise and proper. He is undeniably the antithesis of a prude.

Oliver and I arrive at the frat house, and we see only Noah, Alex, and a few other frat boys over there. We sit on the couch idle for about half an hour when we see Madison and her friends pull over in the driveway. Oliver runs to hide in the bathroom.

He hooked up with Madison at the last party. She became too clingy, according to him, and wanted to date him. He didn't want to date a skank or a cheer leader. It seemed too ordinary. He was always extraordinary. He wasn't the teacher's pet but still got better scores than the teacher's pet. He would attend all the parties yet come out as valedictorian every year. He had all the good looks as well. He was tall, buffed up, had a perfectly chiselled face, absolutely no body fat and naturally wavy brown hair. It was a no brainer as to why every guy was envious of him and why all the girls swooned over him. Okay, well, a little bit of exaggeration but half of them did. Oh, he was also on the football team. Everyone knew that in junior year, he was going to be the captain. The only flaw I think he has is that he is a player. Even though he tells all the girls that he won't date any of them, they still ask him to date them and drive him away.

I snap out of my thoughts when James offers me a drink. I refuse. I didn't even realise he arrived.

The next thing I see is Savannah and Mia entering. She looks hot and better than Savannah in her clothes. Amy asks her to dance, and boy does she dance. Her body sways in an indescribable motion. When she stops, I am about to approach her, but Oliver appears out of nowhere, and they start bickering. After that, Amy comes up to me and sits on my lap, straddling me. Ugh. She wants to hook up with me again. I think of it as a distraction from Mia. It helps me take my mind off her. We go upstairs, and she takes my tee off, but I still keep thinking of Mia. Unexpectedly, I wear my tee back and go back downstairs. I don't find Mia or Oliver there. I head back home. I just hope that they don't hook up.

I quickly run into the hallway of the school, careful not to let Mia see me. But then I remember that we will have English together. Fuck it. I'll just curl up into a ball and hide in a corner and try to be invisible for her. 

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