Chapter 1

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"Mia, get up. It is seven already. You'll be late for school." My mother shouts from the stairs. I groan and look at my phone's screen to check the time. Mom always tells me time half an hour more than what it actually is. Shit! It is actually seven. Swiftly putting my hair up in a loose bun with a white scrunchie, I get out of my comfortable bed and move to the bathroom reluctantly. 

I spent the entire night shifting in my cosy little bed in my completely black room. My bed is wet from my sweat, even with the air conditioner on the highest cooling level. Relocating to different places and joining a new school has never been so nerve-wracking. It is so probably because I will be in school for the entire day, in the same room as Oliver, for the first time in the classroom of Year 11.

Every time I am near him, my mouth becomes dry, I start biting my lower lip, my fingers start twirling my hair without me even knowing. When he makes eye contact, I have butterflies in my stomach doing salsa, and he smiles a smile that makes my heart flutter. My cheeks turn a shade of deep crimson red. I lose all my self-control and confidence instantaneously.

Most people wonder that if I already know what happens to me when I am near him, then why I am going to be in the same room as him for the first time. But most people don't know the fact that I've been in love with Oliver for more than a year now. I brush my teeth and move under the shower once I'm done. I turn the shower on at optimum setting and let my body dampen. As the lukewarm water pelts on my back, my mind drifts off to the first time I'd ever come alone to Miami to stay at my cousin - Savannah's parents' place. Savannah's parents - Allison and Joseph - are Pops's - Luke's brother and sister-in-law.

I have finished my Year 9 examinations. They were terrific, and I was announced as the valedictorian. The fortnight vacation is starting today. I decide to visit my cousin sister, who is about just three years older than me. The flight from Toronto to Miami is not as long as I thought it would be. Or, maybe, it is the excitement of seeing my sister that I lost track of time. When I come out of the airport, I spot a girl with thick blonde, luscious locks reaching up to her thighs. She exactly replicates an hourglass. It does not take me a second to realise that she is my sister. As I approach closer, I see a tall blonde boy with green eyes towering above her, who I know is her boyfriend - James.

"OMG, Mia! You are finally here!" Savannah exclaims loudly enough to get us an audience.

"Hi, Savannah! Hi, James! How are you guys? I missed you a lot." I reply.

"Even we did, Mia. Especially after last time when we went camping with Aaron." James states.

"I remember. It was absolutely the most fun I had had for a long time." Savannah remarks.

"I know. Me too!" I respond.

"Let us grab a bite before we go home. I am starving." James chips in.

"Yeah. Sure! Let's go to Burger King." Savannah chirps up.

I get out of the car, fixing my shirt. When we enter, a girl with red-coloured highlights and a tattoo on her back calls out, "Hey Savannah and James! Sup?"

Savannah replies, "Hey, Amy! How are you? This is my cousin Mia. She is visiting for two weeks from Toronto."

"Hey, Mia! I am Amy! We have heard a lot about you from Savannah." She says.

"Hi, Amy." I answer.

"Hi, I am Blake. How do you find Miami so far?" He asks. He has a lot of tattoos on his fingers. I wonder how many more does he have beneath the sweatshirt.

"I just landed, actually, but I have visited before." I return.

"Great. We are going to a party this evening at 8. You must come with Savannah and James."


My eyes move to the towering brown-haired boy leaning against the wall. His hair is a colony of dense waves on his head, shoved back off his forehead, and he has metal in his ear and lip. My focus moves down his black tee to his muscular arms, cloaked in tattoos; not even an inch of skin that is visible to me is void. He is towering, sinewy, and I know that I am staring at him in the most discourteous way, but I can not seem to cease.

I expect him to acquaint himself the way his friends did, but he stays quiet, rolling his eyes in annoyance and pulling a cell phone from the pocket of his tight black jeans. He definitely is not as friendly as Blake or Amy. He is more appealing, though; something about him makes it hard to tear my eyes from his face.

I come back to reality as my mom shouts from downstairs, "Mia, you have fifteen minutes left to get ready."


"Okay, Mom! I'll be down in five minutes."

I quickly scrub myself with some body wash on my loofah, and thank mom internally for reminding me to wash my hair yesterday. Towelling myself dry, I wash my face with some facewash and apply moisturiser on my face and entire body. Moving out of the bathroom, I walk to my closet and open it, trying to decide what to wear.

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