Chapter 17

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Thank God Mia went to change. Otherwise, I would have gotten hard again. I finally understand what The Weeknd was trying to say when he said,

"You don't even have to do too much,

You can turn me on with just a touch, baby."

She was moving outright flawlessly. She looked so damn alluring. I had to think about James in a bikini - while watching her move so graciously and sensuously - to keep my member down. I was limp instantly. Yes, he has worn a bikini. He lost a bet he had made to Amy and Alex. Amy was the one who decided the punishment. She's sadistic and brutal when it comes to bets' penalties, to say the least.

I am feeling terrific that she is the head cheerleader now. The expression on Madison's face was just priceless.

Mia is out of the girls' locker room in no time. She literally can get dressed up in a matter of seconds. Okay, a little bit of over-exaggeration, but she adorns herself at jet speed. I timed her once to see how much time it took her to get ready. She picked out her outfit and steamed her clothes. She showered. She wore a button-down shirt and a pair of shorts. She even did her makeup and straightened her hair as well. She took precisely 15 minutes and 30 seconds.

"So, what were you going to say earlier?" She asks. I cringe at the thought of it. I wanted to ask her out to dinner.

"Uh, I was going to tell you that I am going to ask the teachers for all the assignments for the year. I just wanted to invite you to come to my place and study. What were you going to say?" I say, lying straight to her face. I am such a chicken.

"I was wondering if you would like to go down to the stream for camping. Considering that we have only four lessons in Math tomorrow." She answers.

Like a date? She beat me to it. Of course not Oliver; why would she want to go out on a date with you. She's so damn beautiful; she can have any guy she wants.

"You wanna skip school? Woah, you really-" I am interrupted by her.

"Mr Miller has already excused us till the end of this semester, dumbass."

"Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that. Sure, I'd like that." I am already thinking about putting my pranking plan into action. I just need to get some paint from the hardware store.

"Okay. Let's go to the track right now for the tryouts. Then basketball court. Then we go to the cafeteria for lunch. After that, we are free till the last lesson when we have English. So we can go to the teachers for the assignments in the meantime. Then to your place for getting the stuff you need for camping. Then we go to my place to get the stuff I need." She rants, telling me the whole plan for today.

"Okay, ma'am." She is enchanting and sexy as hell when she's being bossy.

She groans and says, "Ugh. I hate that word so much."

"Well, I love it." I state, and she responds, "Okay. Let's go to the track field now. I am excited about it."

"Yeah. You are oozing confidence, Mia." I say smirking, and giving her the 'I told you' look.

"I know that, Oliver. Wipe that damn smirk off your face, or I'll do it myself." She says, hitting me square in the chest.

"Ow, that hurt, Thompson." I say, feigning hurt.

"That's the reason I hit you. You should get payback for all those times you hit me while teaching me kickboxing." She replies, smiling smugly.

I return, "Well, I taught you kickboxing for self-defence, Thompson, not for you to hit your best friend square on the chest." Shit, every time I say best friend, it's like, I want to just ask her out, but I am scared of the rejection. If she does reject me, I will lose her as a friend as well. I sure as hell do not want that to happen.

She answers, "I am sorry. Forgive me, baby." Holy shit. I know she meant it like a baby child, but it doesn't hurt to take out a double meaning in it.

I say, "I am not your baby. You are not forgiven until you promise to make me your red velvet cookies." Oh, how I would have loved it if she would have called me 'baby' in another sense.

"Fine. I promise to make you your favourite red velvet cookies when we get home. I think there is some dough already in the refrigerator." She replies.

"Now you are forgiven!" I exclaim, grinning ear to ear like a kid in a candy store. If someone told me last year that I would be grinning ear to ear in Year 10 over some cookies, I would have just shut them up by a punch.

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