Chapter 54

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TW: Mature Themes in this chapter.


I had finally told him, and his face had been expressionless for the past five minutes. And I am literally petrified to see his reaction.

"When did you audition?" He questions, his face still expressionless. I couldn't even guess what emotions he was masking. Sadness, anger, fear?

"Last week." I answer.

"Who knew?" He asks.

"Only Noah and mom and dad." I reply, tears forming in my eyes, and I turn my back towards him.

"Why did you, Mia?" He demands.

When I don't respond, he asks again, his voice barely a whisper. He sneaks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, enclosing me; as if to protect me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Mia, answer my question, please. You've never been interested in being in the limelight. You have never wanted to dance or participate in any sports. You also haven't told me that what happened that you suddenly wanted to try out for basketball and cheer leading." He states.

"Because I feel anonymous." I murmur.

"I can't hear you if you eat your words in your mouth, Ms Thompson."

I inhale deeply and say, "Because I feel like I am anonymous."

"Why do you think you are anonymous?"

"Because there are so many people all over Canada and the States who know me, but they only know me as Mr and Mrs Thompson's daughter or the girl who has been the valedictorian since Year 6. They don't know the girl who loves to read romantic novels. They don't know the girl who loves to cook. They don't know the girl who is scared of failing." I ramble on, and he listens patiently.

"Why are you scared of failing, Mia?" He asks, and I turn around to face him.

"I don't know. I just am, Oliver."

"Mia, everyone fails sometime or the other in their entire life. A failure is only a failure if you don't realise your mistake from it. Failing is not a reflection of who you are as a person, Mia. We all fail, and we all have success at something. Instead of letting that fear pull you down, let the fear push you forward so that when you reach your goal. When you started to walk, how many times did you fall? If your parents did not let you fall, would you have learned how to walk?" He says.

"True, but I am still scared." I reply.

"Mia, everyone is scared of something. Even I'm fearful of losing a fight, but I let that fear push me to practise more and eventually win the match." He states.

"Isn't that kind of what I'm doing? I'm letting that fear push me to try new things, right?" I ask.

"No, Mia. You are trying all new things out of fear. You aren't letting it push you forward." He says, shaking his head.

"I don't see how those are two different things, but I don't have the energy to argue with you right now, and I am starving." I say and move out of his arms.

"You want something?" I ask him and see him pouting.

"Why are you pouting?" I question, frowning.

"Because I want you in my arms all the time." He whines.

"Aww, you big baby. Come here." I say, extending my arms. He immediately runs into my arms and lifts me up. We go downstairs, and Oliver sets me on the kitchen counter.

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