Chapter 58

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Madison comes up to us, and Mia wishes her a happy birthday. Madison thanks her, and before I can do the same, Madison asks Mia if she can talk to her in private. Mia leaves me alone after mouthing "Two minutes" to me, and I move to the balcony. Madison comes up to us, and Mia wishes her a happy birthday. Madison thanks her, and before I can do the same, Madison asks Mia if she can talk to her in private. Mia leaves me alone after mouthing "Two minutes" to me, and I move to the balcony.

I stand there, drinking my own coke in solitude while I wait for the awkwardness to fade. But it doesn't. The more I think about the day, and the more I think about how my day has been absolutely fantastic with Mia so far.

One of my classmates comes up and says, "Hey, Oliver."

"Hey." I reply, not addressing him by his name because I didn't remember it.

"So, you and Mia a thing now?" He asks, smirking.

"She's my girlfriend, and I love her, Kevin." I say, remembering his name and becoming slightly irritated.

He bursts out laughing in amusement, and I can feel myself growing angrier.

"What's so funny, Kevin?" I ask, glaring at him.

"She stays in LA more than half of the time, Oliver. How do you know she's not cheating on you?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because she's my best friend as well, Kevin. And I know her well enough that she wouldn't cheat on me."

"And what if I have seen her with other guys-"

I cut him off by punching his jaw, and he drops to the floor with just one punch. Puny dumbass. Groaning and cushioning his jaw using his hand, he continues, "It's true, Oliver. I have-" That makes me lose all the self-control I have, and I straddle him and start punching him left and right without stopping.

Some other guys shout out, "Oliver! Stop!" They know better than to come near me and try to stop me. All I see is red. I can't stop. The guys leave, and suddenly I hear Mia's voice.

"Oliver! Babe, stop!" I hear the clacking of her heels, and I get up, not giving her a chance to say anything.

"Sorry, Madison! I need to take him home." Mia apologies.

"It's okay, Mia." Madison replies.

"Oliver, you are not driving!" She shouts out as I unlock the car and am about to sit on the driver's seat. I see the determined expression on her face, and I know that she will not let me drive. I reluctantly move to the passenger seat and buckle myself in. She buckles herself in and starts driving towards my home.

We reach my house in ten minutes since Mia was driving ridiculously fast since the roads were clear for some reason. Miami's roads are rarely empty. Exiting the car once Mia pulls into my driveway, I slam the door shut and enter the living room. I move towards my parents' room that extends further into the back porch.

I can feel Mia following me.

"Oliver, stop. You're giving me a headache." Mia says as she tries to stop me.

"Mia, let me go." I say as I try to get out of her grasp. But she's stronger than I thought, and I fail to get out of her steady, firm grip.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight until you've calmed down, Oliver." She states firmly.

"And what if I don't calm down, Mia? Huh? Then what are you going to do?" I question.

"You're worrying me right now, Oliver. I'll stay here with you till you do. And I don't care if it's all night or if it's all day tomorrow. If you want to waste tomorrow sulking instead of spending time with me, sure, go ahead." Mia replies adamantly.

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