Chapter 25

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When is Leo going to get back with Mia? It's been one fucking hour. If they don't come in another five minutes, I'll go crazy. This was not how I had anticipated the day to be. As if on cue, I hear the bell ring. They're here. Thank God.

"What the hell were you guys doing?" I ask Mia and Leo. For some reason, Mia is in Leo's arms. Then, I remember that her wrists and ankles were bound for almost two hours.

"And you say you have been living in Miami for seventeen years." Mia replies, her voice laced with sarcasm. For a girl who was kidnapped just three hours back, she sure doesn't seem like it.

"What?" I ask, confused by her reply. What has my living in Miami for seventeen years got to do with them taking an eternity to arrive at my place.

"There was traffic on the road. You've got a very sarcastic best friend. Someone who I can finally gang up with on you." Leo says.

"Not fair, Leo. You've known me longer. You and I should be ganging up on her." I reply, pouting.

"Life is never fair, Olive." Oh no.

"You cannot call me Olive in front of her, Leo." I say.

"That's a nice nickname, Leo. But mine is better and cuter, isn't it, Ollie?" She asks rhetorically.

I groan and reply, "Ugh. I am going to go crazy with you two. Leo, don't you have to go and meet Bella? You are, after all, going to meet her after three months."

"Oh, yes. Mia, we have to continue this later." He says, and Mia returns, "Okay. But, I want to meet Bella."

"Sure. How about Friday night?" He questions.

"Cool." She says, and Leo rejoinders, "Okay. Bye."


"So, it's my first day of school, and I have been selected for the cheer leading team and the basketball team. I have been excused from Maths for the entire semester. I have also been kidnapped. Anything else left? Oh yeah, tryouts for the track team." Mia says, her voice laced with sarcasm again.

"Well, you need to face Ms Arian tomorrow and tell her as to why you skipped school." I reply, a smirk making its way to my lips.

"Oh, shit. I completely forgot about that. Holy shit. What am I going to tell Ms Arian? It's the first day, and I already missed a class. Shit."


"How can you expect me to calm down?" She asks.

"Because I already told her that I was feeling sick and you were driving me home." I answer.

"You love annoying me, don't you?" She crosses her arms and asks.

"Yes, I do." I skipped the 'because you look fucking smokin' hot when you get annoyed' part.

She only groans in response, making me chuckle.

"Hey, to get your mind off things, let's go for the picnic you were planning. But, before that, we both need to eat. We haven't had lunch. Want to go to Just Salad?" I ask.

"Sure. I am starving." I notice that she goes deep into thought after that.

"What's got you so much in deep thought?"

"Just thinking about the time when we first went down to the woods."


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