Chapter 55

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Mia is sleeping peacefully next to me after our intense, tempestuous and vehement lovemaking. She is spooning me, but she fell asleep in less than a millisecond of her back, hitting the bed while I'm thinking about her, myself, and Noah.

The start of July has mutated into the end of August, and I am still feeling overwhelmed. Just like the first time I felt when she told me that she was moving. I felt angry that she told Noah first instead of me. But then Noah isn't her best friend or boyfriend and doesn't stay with her almost twenty-four seven. Noah isn't the one who's going to be hurt in any way if she moves away.

I'm the one who's going to be disturbed and maybe outraged too. I felt sad that Mia's going to be two hours away from me. But she will visit me every other weekend. I felt guilty that she was going through so much and overthinking so much without being able to tell me. And I still feel angry, sad and guilty. More of sadness and guilt than anger though this time. I remember when I felt the happiest with her last month - when we were getting the ingredients for cheesecakes and baking them for Bella.

We couldn't eat lunch that Thursday because she had the measurements for the jerseys and the cheer leading outfit. Then her teammates had stolen her from me to have lunch with her. And after school, we were doing our Physics and Chemistry assignments at Mia's place.

Mia had suddenly remembered that she had to bake cheesecakes for Bella since she was coming over the next day. I drove her to the confectionery store, and we brought all the ingredients.

"What all do we need?" I question as we move through the aisles.

"Strawberry Filling, Blueberry Filling and Cream Cheese." She replies.

"You know, you forgot to record Noah doing the victory dance." I say, and she answers, "I wasn't going to record it anyways. It was just a way to take his mind off of Stephanie."

"Well, your efforts kind of got wasted since he kept thinking about her the whole night, Mia."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I saw him in the morning before you did, baby. I could see the dark circles underneath his eyes. He applied lots of eye gel to cover it up." I say, and once she grabs the filling, she faces me and says, "Oh..." Mia pursed her lips for a second and then said, "I could have had him bake some cookies with me. Just to get his mind off of her. Make him do all the work." grinning mischievously.

She grabs the cream cheese and moves towards the billing counter, joining the queue for paying for the ingredients.

"Good excuse to spend more time with me, but we both know that Noah wouldn't even move a fork in the kitchen." I reply with a cocky smirk on my face and wrap my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Don't be so full of yourself, Mr Anderson." She says and swats my arms so that I remove them, but I don't. Instead, I turn her around to face me and wink at her, moving my hand lower to caress her hip.

"Oh God, you're such a perv. You're lucky that I'm so crazy about you."

"I know. I love you too, Mia."

She pulls me closer and pecks my lips, responding to me wordlessly. It was a stolen kiss, but still a surprisingly nice one.

We continued our way back home once she pays for the ingredients despite me protesting, and we were both humming to ourselves, moving towards my car.

"You haven't told me how you met Leo." Mia states as I drive towards her house.

"We met when I was fifteen. I found him being tortured at Roberto's place." I reply, and she counters, "Why were you at Roberto's place?"

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