Chapter 38

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I see my mother wrapped in a bed sheet. Her chocolate brown hair - which reaches her mid-back - is a mess. Her eyes widen, like mine. She pulls me inside and slams the door shut.

"Mia, you told me you had gone down to the woods with Oliver."

"Yes, I did, mom. But then Noah came home, so we decided not to go. Why are you wrapped in a bed sheet, mom?" I ask. Her cheeks stain red, and she goes to her bedroom. I follow her inside, and she goes into the bathroom after taking out a pyjama set. I notice that the bed sheets are completely rumpled, and they are moist. Realisation dawns on me. My parents were doing "business".

My mom comes out wearing the pyjama set. Her hair looks better now.

"Mom, where's dad? Why were you answering the door like that?" I ask her.

"I thought it was your dad." She replies.

"Mom, you can't answer the door wrapped in a bed sheet." Mia says.

"How was I supposed to know that it's you? Luke had gone out to get breakfast just five minutes back from Greenstreet cafe - the one across the street." Mom says.

"Fine. Oliver and Noah are outside. I am going to bake red velvet cookies and custard pie." I tell her.

"Okay. I'll be out in a minute." She responds.

"What the-" I scream as I come out in the living room.

"What happened to your mom?" Noah asks.

"Ummm....n-no-nothing." I say, lying.

"Let's get to baking, shall we?" Noah asks, steering the conversation from the subject of my mom; but, Olivers' expression tells me that he knows that I'm lying and wants to talk about it later.

"Yes, we should." I reply.

I see Noah moving into the kitchen and rummaging through the drawers. I can't help but ask, "Noah, what are you doing?"

"Trying to find the ingredients for the custard pie."

"They aren't in the drawers, Noah. They are in the cupboards." I say, giggling.

"Why do you always change their places?" Noah whines in response.

Oliver laughs and says, "Stop whining like a kid, Noah. I'll help Mia."

"Oh, shut up. You just want to make out." Noah says, smirking.

"Why would Mia and Oliver make out?" My mom asks, coming out from the bedroom behind me.

"Mia didn't tell you?" Noah asks, smiling smugly.

"What didn't you tell me, Mia?" My mom asks cluelessly.

"Oliver's taking me out on a date today evening." I reply, sighing.

"Finally! You know, Oliver, it took you long enough. And Mia, I thought you'd be the one to make the first move." My mom says excitedly.

"Sorry, Mrs Thompson, if I would have known, I would have done it earlier." Oliver says innocently.

"Mom, you knew?" I ask, dazed.

"Of course, I knew. Have you two ever seen how you look at each other?" She asks.

"Well, I know that I owe you five thousand dollars, Mrs Thompson." Luke comes in says.

"That you do, Mr Thompson."

"What for?" I ask.

"Your father and I made a bet if you and Oliver would ever go out on a date before your high school graduation. Your father said that you two wouldn't, and I stated that you two would." She says, smirking at my father.

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