Chapter 20

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My head is throbbing with pain. I can't see a thing in this room; it's so goddamn dark. The odour is pungent. I can't remember a thing after being struck with something hard near Oliver's car. I try to touch my head to soothe the throbbing but, I discern that my hands are tied behind my back with a really thick rope. My legs are strapped to the feet of the chair. My limbs are absolutely numb from being bound.

I groan as the pain strikes again in my head, shooting through my vertebrae. I need water; I am parched.

"So, you are finally awake. You can ask me three questions." I squint my eyes, trying to figure out who the person is. I knew that the voice was not Madison's or Blake's. This was a lot stronger and rough. It would send chills down anyone's spine as it was sending down mine.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask him, and he replies, "Wrong question."

"Where am I?" I question.

"Wrong question." Again, the same damn reply. This man is seriously getting on my nerves right now.

"What do you want?" I demand, and he answers, "Now that's a right question. Your boyfriend." Who the hell is my boyfriend?

"Wow. I have a boyfriend, and I don't even know that I have a boyfriend." I remark sassily.

"Don't mess around with me, you bitch. Call your boyfriend and ask him to come over here and join my team." He yells.

"Mind telling me, who the heck is my boyfriend?" I scream back at him.

He regains his composure and says, "Oliver Benjamin Anderson."

I inhale deeply and say, "Well, firstly, he is not my boyfriend. Secondly, why do you want him to join your team? Thirdly, why would you kidnap me to force him to join the team?"

"He is the best kickboxer out there. But, I am sure you already know that. He has been training you over the summer, hasn't he?" I am inarticulate. This man is a psychopath. He has been stalking us.

"I'll take your silence as a yes. The answer to your second question is - you are the only person who he cares for." He states.

He knows a hell lot about Oliver and me. He cares for me and loves me, but he only as a friend. Although, I don't understand why he thinks that Oliver is my boyfriend. Sure, I'd like - Shut up, Mia. You've been abducted. You need to think of a way to get out of here.

"Yes, he has been training me over the summer. What do you do anyway?" I reply.

"Well, why would I tell you that?" He asks.

I groan and request, "Can I have some water?"

"Nope." He returns.

"Can you untie the ropes?" I question.

"Still no."

"Why not?" I counter.

"Because fucking I said so. Now shut up and call Oliver." He says, raising his voice slightly.

"Fine. Anyways, I don't have my phone. It's at home. So, I can't call Oliver." I lied straight to his face. My phone was in my bag's secret pocket, which was locked with a code. I didn't know if it had enough battery since I had no idea about how many hours I had been here for.

"I figured as much. Well, I already called Oliver from my phone. He should be here any minute."


I know something horrific has happened to her or is about to happen. I saw blood near my car. I found my keys near one of the rear wheels.

It could be Blake or Madison or any psychopath. There are loads of them these days. Oh, my God, Mia, why did you make me watch both the seasons of The End of The Fucking World?

I am so idiotic. Why didn't I think to track Mia's phone before? I open the Find My iPhone app, and it is about to show Mia's location, but abruptly her phone goes off. Ugh. I cannot lodge a missing persons' complaint. I don't have her parents' numbers. Calling Savannah or James will only cause them to fret.

"Hey, Oliver." I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey, Ava." I say, coming face to face with her.

"What happened? Why are you pacing up and down the hallway like a madman?" She asks.

"I can't find Mia. She had gone to get her clothes from my car, but she didn't return. So, when I went to check on her, she wasn't there. My car was there, and the keys were below it. I also saw some blood near it." I reply.

"Calm down. Mia probably got her period and went home. That's where the blood could be from. She would've been too embarrassed to return to the hallway full of people to return your keys." She states.

"I still can't calm down." I remark.

"Okay. Why don't you go to Mia's house?" She suggests.

"I still have English in the last lesson. Ms Arian will have my head if she gets to know that I attended all the lessons but not hers." I respond.

"Why are you attending school, by the way? Aren't you excused?" She asks.

"I am. But, today was Mia's first day, and Savannah told me to stay with her." I reply, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Oh, okay." Then it struck me that I had told Mr Miller that I would attend classes every day. Oh, but didn't he excuse Mia and me till the end of Semester 1? Ugh. My brain has become mush.

"Why don't you do this? Attend English and then go to her house. How's that?" She recommends.

"I guess that will have to do for now. Doesn't make me any less anxious, though. Bye. See ya." I reply.


My phone starts vibrating as I walk towards the cafeteria. It's from an unknown number, so I decline the call. But, whoever the person keeps on calling me for another ten times. I accept it the eleventh time.

"Hello. Who is this?" I ask.

"Hello, Oliver Anderson." The other person replies, and my blood boils instantly. That voice. That pestilent voice. I despise and detest it. For the life of me, I cannot forget that exasperating voice.

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