Chapter 49

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TW: Mature Themes in this chapter.


My fingers are about to fall off after typing so much code. I settle on my bed in my cosy loft, and my phone rings. Hoping it's Devin's, I am disappointed as my eyes meet Oliver's name. Still wondering why he is calling me so late, I accept and ask, "Hey, Oliver. How are you, bro?" I ask.

"I'm good. How's uni?" He replies, his voice full of glee.

"Same old, same old. What's up?" I question, surprised that he called me after so many days.

"Noah came home yesterday." He replies, causing me to gasp.

"He did?" I confirm.

"Yeah, crying."

Blood boiling instantly, I shout, my tone full of rage, "That stupid ass bitch! I am going to kill her."

"No, Alex. Noah already broke up with her." He declares, calming me down.

"That is something he should have done months ago." I say.

"I know, Alex, but you don't know the whole of it. Talk to him tomorrow, okay?" He says as his sound is drowned out by the honk of cars.

"Yeah, I will. Where are you? I can hear some cars honking in the background."

"I am returning home."

"Where did you go? You dropped Noah off?" I ask.


"Oliver, I can hear your giddiness through the phone. What are you not telling me?" I assert.

"Mia and I went on a date." He squeals out in a high pitched tone, making me cringe.

"She asked you out?" I almost yell.

"I was the one to ask her out, dickhead." He says, making my eyes widen in disbelief.

"You are lying, Anderson."

"I am not. You can call Mia and ask her for yourself." He growls out through the phone.

"Okay. I believe you. I am proud of you, Oliver." I say, trying not to get him to be angry after such a good day he had had, and especially since he was driving.

"Good." He says, taking a deep breath.

"So, how was the date?" I ask.

"Even though I don't have anything to compare it to, it felt like the best date ever."

"Obviously, cause you love her, and she loves you." I declare nonchalantly.

He gasps and asks, "How do you know that?"

"Anyone who has eyes knows that." I reply.

"Alex, you are the first person to say that."

"Yeah, but everyone knew it. Savannah, James, Devin, Noah, hell, even Madison knew it."

"What the fuck!? Madison knew it too? When did you talk to her?" He yells through the phone.

"Calm down, Oliver. It was sometime in January."

"What were you doing?"

"I don't remember. I was at the frat house, and we talked."

"Okayyy. I do remember the party now. You and Devin weren't talking, and he had come down to Miami. I had hit him, and then you and I had gotten into a fight the next day. But what did you and Madison talk about?" He questions.

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