Chapter 47

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"Since when do you kiss like the she-devil, by the way?" He asks, and I see his lips aching to smirk.

I roll my eyes and respond, "I don't kiss like the she-devil, Oliver."

"Really?" He questions mockingly.

"I have always kissed you like that." I state

"Did you kiss Aaron like that too?" He growls out, the jealousy evident enough in his voice. Jealous Oliver looks hot as hell.

"No," I say and lean towards me and whisper in his ear, "only you, babe."

"Good." He replies, brooding.

"Aww, come on, Oliver. Don't pout." I say, laughing and poke his side, making him snicker.

"Don't distract me, Mia! I am driving." He exclaims.

"This is probably the only time you'll ever tell me not to touch you." I state boastfully.

"Not likely, Ms Cocky." He says, making me chuckle.

I place my hand to my thigh and run it up and down, asking, "You sure, babe?" my voice, alluring. He swallows audibly and nods, making me sigh.

I pull my hand away, chuckling and say, "I know that's not true...but I'd rather not have us driving off the road."

"Yeah, so don't distract me now, Mia!" He exclaims.

I raise my hands in mock surrender, smiling and say, "Sorry, baby." I look out the window.

I notice that we are heading towards the I-95 Express. I try to coax the place out of him once more by saying, "Where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you, Mia." He replies straightforward.

"Why not?" I question.

"Because it's a surprise, and if I tell you, then it's not much of a surprise, is it?" He taunts.

"Ugh. At least tell me what time are we gonna reach?"

"It's eight right now, and considering we don't get stuck in traffic, eight-thirty." He replies.


"Where's your phone, by the way?" He asks.

"It's in my clutch....shit, my clutch...I left it on the table." I apprehend.

"Ms Clumsy, I have it with me."

"Thank God." I say.

"Someone was too excited to notice that I had it in my hand all the time." He sneers.

"Your pants are black. Your car is black. So is my clutch." I argue.

"Good reasoning. But you still didn't remember until now." He says.

"Well, I was desperate to kiss a dumb rude guy for some reason. It had been on my mind since evening." I say teasingly.

"Why did you want to kiss him?" He questions, going along with my teasing.

"Because he is my boyfriend, and I love him." I respond.

"I know for a fact that the dumb rude guy who is your boyfriend loves you as well."

"I know that. I can read his expressions." I reply, smiling smugly.

"How does he look at you?" He inquiries.

"It's a mixture of love, longing and some.....concupiscence." I say, after pondering for a moment.

"Ah. Are his intentions noble enough?"

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