Chapter 13

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I am still staring at her wide-eyed. I wish that she screams Blake is not her special someone. I want that special someone to be me. Please just say my name, Mia. Please, I'm begging you, Mia.

"Now you've got to be kidding me. Are you crazy?" Mia asks me, and relief washes over me. I literally beat the shit out of him the next day. He ended up with purple bruises all over his body and one of his eyes black-blue. Alex didn't protest against what I was doing once he knew what Blake did to Mia. Mia reported the incident to the police - where I accompanied her as a witness, and Blake was sent away to military school for a year. Not gonna lie; I wished that they would keep him there till we were starting college.

"Also, you were going to tell me about this "special someone", Mia." I say.

"Okay, let me give you a hint. My special someone is in the hallway." She answers.

I look around and notice Blake near his locker, heading to some class and Cole Smith talking on his phone. "There are only two people in the hallway as of now who happen to be on your Most Hated List - Blake and Mr Idiot Smith."

"I know that. You seriously think that I would tell you the name of my crush so easily, Ollie?" She replies, sticking her tongue out.

"I am your best friend, Mia." I say, frowning and trying to make the most ridiculous puppy-eyed face.

"Still, not telling you, you big baby. I don't want you teasing me for the rest of my life."

"What if I give you the name of my crush? Will you tell me then?" I ask, trying to negotiate.

"Maybe." She replies, shrugging.

"Her name starts with an A and ends with an A too." I tell her.

"Okay. My crush's surname begins with an A and ends with an N." She says. I think about the surnames of all the guys' in our school who Mia has met.

"Hm. Let's see. James Abston. You obviously do not have a crush on him. He is your sister's boyfriend. Elijah Ackerman - he is okay, but then he is a player." I say, and she glances at her rose gold watch that I'd sent to her house in Toronto on her birthday.

"Let's go to Math, Ollie. We have a double lesson." She says, interrupting me.

"Please do not call me Ollie, Amelia. You know, right now, I would have loved to be a vampire. I could've easily compelled you to forget that word and not call me by it." I reply.

"What if I was wearing vervain, Ollie?" She questions in rejoinder.

"Ugh. You always have answers to everything. Your mind goes a million miles per second, Amelia." I say. It's true, though. She thinks rapidly.

"Well, you have been watching too much of Vampire Diaries over the summer, Mr Anderson." She says, smirking.

"Well, I have been watching too much of Vampire Diaries over the summer because you coerced me into it and got me addicted, Ms Thompson. Since then, I have been insatiable." I reply.

"Fine. Got it. Now we've got two minutes to get to class. You better move your ass fast, or I'll smack it real hard." She commands.

"Nice poem, Thompson. Also, smack as in hitting or kis-"

I am cut off by her hands on my waist. Before I realise what's happening, she is already tickling me.

"Oh shit. Please don't do that. You know I am really ticklish." It feels like pure pleasure and torture. Hearing her giggle is music to my ears.

"I'll stop on one condition. We have to run to get to Math class." She says.

"O-ok-okay. Fine. I'll run." I am really, really tickly. She is the only person who can do that to me. The rest of the school's population doesn't even dare to touch me.

"Great." She says and stops tickling me and starts running at turbojet speed. I already hate myself for helping her build up speed and stamina.

"I am not gonna spare you for tickling me." I am already thinking of a prank that will be really awesome.

I sprint towards Math class. Mr Miller does not tolerate tardiness. Although he is a lot of fun to be with. Mr Miller approaches Math in a way that makes even the boring lessons fascinating. I reach the class just in the nick of time. Fortunately, he isn't in class before me.

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