Chapter 11

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Shit. Mia beat me. I knew she was becoming more agile, but I hadn't envisioned even in my wildest dreams; that she would be able to defeat me. Well, now I know that I have been victorious in training and guiding her. She can join the school's track team now. I want her to try out for the basketball and the cheer leading team. She has the body shape required for it. She can't try out for the football team, though. She can't do cheer leading and football together. I need her more for the cheer leading team. It undoubtedly would've been fun to go to matches together. Though, she will still be there for cheer leading.

Well, I might have been a little selfish for wanting her to do the cheer leading tryouts. Madison is on the cheer leading team, and the captain is stepping down. So if no one who tries out is as good as Madison - she will be the captain. Mia is streets ahead of her and can do the lifts in an extremely surpassing way. I saw the dance routine she did in Year 9 at her school. It was sic! It went viral on all of the social media. Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter and many more. I'd bet that you couldn't even name one platform where it didn't go viral. She didn't do it willingly. She was obliged to do it because the girl she replaced had twisted her ankle terribly. She only had one week to practise the whole routine, and their crew won. I've been aiming to make her start dancing again, but I don't know what's holding her back.

Ugh. I do not want to see all those faces again. Everyone high-fives me, and Mia looks dumbstruck. Well, technically, I can skip school for the whole year, and no one will say a word because of my extracurricular activities. I only need to turn in my assignments and appear for the exams. This year, I did not want to skip it. I observe her putting her books neatly in a stack in her locker. From that neat stack of books and notebooks, she pulls out the Physics coursebook and her notebook. She gazes at my locker intently, probably judging how unorganised and haphazard it is. I make her snap out of her daze by asking if we should move to the Physics class. She replies affirmatively and nods her head. We both have the exact same timetable. I tell her that I'll show her around school after lunch since we have a free lesson. We enter the class, and I see that it's empty. I check the time on my watch and notice that we still have five minutes.

"We still have five minutes."

"I happen to already know that, Mr Anderson, since I also have a watch that was gifted by you if you cannot recollect."

"I remember that I had gifted you a watch on your last birthday, one which you liked very much while in the mall. You literally stared at it every single time we went to the Aventura. It also had been on your wish list forever on the Daniel Wellington website."

"I still do not know why did you get it for me. I wanted to get it by myself and by my own money."

"It was your birthday, and you do know that I am absolutely shit at buying gifts. So, I got you something you had desired for a long time. Also, I would still have enough money after paying for college. You, on the other hand, need to save it for your own satisfaction. I know for sure that your parents are not going to give you any more money than they give you now."

"You are right about that."

"You knew that we'd be early for class, right?"

"Yep. I did."

"You-". I am interrupted by Mia's greeting to the Physics teacher - calling him the biggest pervert would be the understatement of the millennium - Mr Cole Smith.

"Good Morning, Sir!"

"Good Morning, Ms Thompson! Please call me Cole. Good Morning, Oliver!" He says, ogling her audaciously.

"Morning." I reply for courtesy sake.

"Had a bad morning, did we, Mr Anderson?"

"Now that I have seen your ugly face, yes." I reply. The tone of annoyance and exasperation does not go unnoticed by Mia as she glares and scowls at me, and a smirk falls on my face.

"Now, now, you wouldn't wanna mess with me, Mr Anderson."

"Oh well, would you like me to help you recall last years' incidents when you were almost sacked for sexually assaulting one of the freshmen? Also, I am free to skip classes right, as long as I turn in the assignments on or before the due date."

"Yes, you are free to skip classes if you turn in the assignments on time. So, then why are you here?" The school bell rings, and four boys enter the room.

"Ms Thompson and Mr Anderson, I'd like you both to stay after class for a minute."

"Okay, Sir." Mia says, glaring at me. If looks could kill... Let's just say that I wouldn't be alive to see the day now.

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