Chapter 34

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"Mia, can you see them out?" Oliver asks me.

"Sure." I reply.

"Thank you, Mia." Noah says in response.

I walk Bella and Leo to the car. Leo sets Bella next to the driver's seat and shuts the door softly. He doesn't enter his car immediately.

Instead, he says, "Thank you, Mia, for walking us out and...and convincing Bella to not eat sushi. I was really close to yelling at her."

"It's no problem, Leo. She's adorable. You shouldn't yell at her. But is she allergic to sushi?" I say.

"No. But if Bella has too much of any food, then she becomes nauseous and can't sleep. She isn't allergic to any sort of food, but she has to have it in small portions." He answers, and I ask instantly, "Oh. Are there any baked goods Bella likes?"

"Strawberry and Blueberry Cheesecake." He replies after thinking for a bit.

"Okay. Well, then, I'll see the two of you on Friday here." I say, and he replies, "Bye, Mia."

"Bye, Leo."

I wave to Bella from outside, making her giggle so loudly that I can hear it through the car window and waves back.

I move back inside and see Noah and Oliver scarfing down the pasta Leo had bought.

"Which place is the pasta from?" I ask.

"The best Italian place in the world ." Noah and Oliver say in unison with their mouths stuffed.

"That is....."

"Leo's home. You have to try it." Oliver replies after chewing whatever was there in his mouth.

I take a fork from the cutlery stand and take a bite.

A moan leaves my lips unconsciously, and I say, "This is divine."

"I know, right." Oliver says.

"We need to go to the confectionery store on Thursday afternoon." I say, and Oliver questions before eating more pasta, "Why? I thought you had the supplies for baking red velvet cookies at home already."

"I do. But I need to bake a Strawberry and a Blueberry Cheesecake for Bella. I need to get cream cheese and the filling." I answer.

"Okay." Oliver replies, taking a bite of the pasta.

"Why is everyone but me getting their favourite desserts baked from you?" Noah asks, pouting.

"Noah, I'll bake some Custard Pie for you as well tomorrow." I reply.

"Yay!" He yells and starts smiling.

"On one condition." I say, removing that smile from his face.

"That is?" He asks, treading on thin ice.

"You have to do your version of the victory dance." I reply with a smug smile on my face.

"Okay." He replies.

"And let me record it."

"Ugh. Fine. I'll do it tomorrow before you start baking." He groans and goes back to eating pasta.


"Also, why were you all staring at me when Bella was eating sushi?" I ask Noah and Oliver.

"Oliver will tell you all about that once he is done gorging on his favourite pasta. I am going to sleep." Noah replies.

"Okay." I say, waiting for Oliver to finish.

Oliver takes the pasta and sushi boxes and takes some of both out on a new plate. Then he puts them in the refrigerator. He walks over to the couch and asks me to sit next to him. I sit next to him and snuggle into his chest. He is cosy. I have always been cold - no matter how many layers I wear.

He starts speaking, "Bella loves to eat sushi. But she can't have too much of it because-"

I interrupt him and say, "I know. Leo told me about it."

"He was going to scold her, but then you intervened without even knowing that. And, whenever we try to convince Bella, she isn't as persuadable as she was tonight. It takes a lot of persistence. When Leo scolds her, she starts crying and is inconsolable and cries herself to sleep. And when she cries, she has nightmares about her mom."

"Oh, God. Leo shouldn't yell at her. He should try to find a middle ground with her."

"I know. But if I try to explain that to Leo, he won't understand because I have never been able to persuade Bella. You should try to explain it to him since you have convinced Bella successfully and that too, in a matter of seconds. You have always been good with kids."

"I guess."

"All the social service you did at the orphanages in Vancouver and Toronto has come in handy after all, I guess." He says friskily.

I chuckle and respond, "Maybe."

"Do you want to continue the movie or go to sleep?" Oliver asks.

"Continue the movie. You?" I say.

"Movie." He answers and adds, "Have some pasta and sushi first."


I use the fork to eat the pasta, and once I finish, I say, "I'll keep eating the sushi in between."

"I know you won't."

"Please." I say, pouting.

"Have two pieces right now, and you will have the rest later." He orders.

I groan and reply teasingly, "Okay, Sir."

He visibly stiffens when I say 'Sir' and relaxes after a trice.

"What happened?"

"Nothing." He replies, rubbing the back of his neck.

I ignore it and replay the movie. When I see Julia Roberts singing 'Kiss' in the bathtub, I start snickering unintentionally. It always cracks me up. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Oliver staring at me, zoned out.

"Okay, now something is up. What happened, Oliver?" I ask, pausing the movie.

"Nothing, Mia."

"No. Something's not right. Tell me, Oliver." I ask once again.

"It's nothing. I am just sleepy."

"No. I asked you if you wanted to watch the movie or go to bed. You replied that you wanted to watch the movie."

"Yes, I did. But, now I am sleepy."

"No. You are angry and are trying to mask it."

"Yes, I am angry. Angry at myself that I do not have the guts to tell you that I like you and how much I want to kiss those plump lips right now." He growls out, and I stare at him dumbfounded.

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