Chapter 19

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"Okay. Let's go for lunch." Mia says.

"What are you going to have for lunch?" I ask her. I know for a fact that she won't like the cafeteria food.

"I packed some veggies and fruits that mom had already cut and kept them in the refrigerator. You?" She replies and asks.

"Just some yogurt, I think. The school cafeteria serves pretty unhealthy food." I reply.

"I know. Savannah told me. I want to share my lunch with you." Why would she want to do that?

"No. I am not going to eat your lunch."

"You are not going to eat my lunch. I am going to share it with you." She is remarkably obstinate.

I groan and reply, "Ugh. You are so damn stubborn. Okay. Fine. We both have half of your lunch and a frozen yogurt each." I tell her my conditions.

"Fine with me." She literally goes back and forth so quickly. One minute she is the most stubborn person, and then she suddenly becomes the most agreeable person.

"Then you will go get yourself one. And you will keep it on your plate." I state.

"Why on my plate?" She asks.

"Because, I know, that once you have something on your plate, you don't throw it away, no matter how disgusting it tastes." I respond. It's one of the many intriguing habits of hers that I've observed.

"Ugh. You know me so damn well."

"I know, right."

"Okay. Fine. I will have half of my lunch and frozen yogurt. But, first, give me the keys to your car. I need to get the extra set of clothes I had kept in your car. I went to get my clothes from the locker room while you talked to Mr Davis, but they had already closed the locker room. So, I can't get the ones I was wearing this morning." She is probably really sweaty from all that dancing.

"Here you go." I reply, fishing the keys out from my bag's secret pocket.

"Be back in a minute."

"I'll wait for you here, and don't you dare try to go home alone in my car. It's valuable to me." I say, with a stern face. But she doesn't notice it.

"I know that. I promise I won't." She replies, throwing the keys in her bag.

"Okay. Go and get your clothes."

I am elated and ecstatic because she's selected for both cheer leading and basketball. Her efforts finally yielded results. Mr Davis told me that he would talk to our homeroom teacher to excuse her from classes and make an arrangement like mine for her. We are going to get to spend so much time together. I was going to complete all the assignments in the first three weeks, but I guess I'll be doing it a bit slower for obvious reasons.

I look at my watch and see that it has almost been ten minutes since Mia has been gone.

She doesn't take that long to change clothes. If she has taken my car home, I swear to God I will go crazy. It is the only thing in my life that I care about other than my grades. I run outside to the parking lot and see that my car is still there. No tires slashed, no windows broken, it's there, but Mia is nowhere in my line of sight. Her bag also isn't here. I call her, it rings but goes to voicemail.

I stalk around the car and spot nothing. Suddenly something intriguing catches my eye, and it's not good.

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