Chapter 30

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"Hey." Oliver says, strolling down the stairs.

"Is Noah fine?" I ask him, worried and annoyed by Stephanie's cheating for the third time.

"Yeah, he is getting dressed." He replies and sits on one of the bigger couches.

"Okay. I got Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for Noah, Chocolate Fudge Brownie for you, and Cookies and Cream Cheesecake Core for me." I state.

"Perfect. Do you want sweatpants?" He asks, seeing that the weather will be cold at night.

"Nah. I think I'll be fine." I reply.

"Okay. I'll take out some blankets."

"Okay. Let me connect the laptop to the TV."

"Go ahead. Do you want to order something for dinner?" He asks.

"I don't know. Let's wait for Noah."

"I am sorry." He mumbles, making me question, "What are you sorry for?" 

"I know you wanted to go down to the woods." He answers and I state, "Hey, we can go down to the woods anytime. Noah is more important right now." trying to not make him feel guilty.

"I know, but you got kidnapped on the first day of the junior year because of me. Not exactly the best start of the year." He says, making me internally facepalm myself and groan.

"It happened, but it wasn't your fault, Oliver."

"It is my fault, Mia. I can't even imagine what would've happened if Leo wouldn't have come."

"Oliver, I know that you know that I have a pocket knife. Leo told me that he was on a call with you."

"WHAT!?" He shrieks.

"So, you shouldn't worry. I can protect myself."

"B-but he told you that I was on a call with him?" He asks me, startled.

"Yes, he did. Now, c'mon, let's see what's new on Netflix. Also, I met your instructor - Axel - at Walmart. Your fight on Thursday has been cancelled." I say, and he questions, "Did he say why?"


"Okay. Thanks."

"Take your ice cream box and get your tiny ass on the couch, Ollie." I say with a smirk forming on my face.

"For the last time, Amelia Grace Thompson, I do not have a tiny ass."

"Whose ass are we talking about? Mia's is the perfect bubble butt, Oliver."

"Thank you, Noah." I feel the colour rising in my jowls.

"You do not get to hit on my best friend, Noah Anderson." He yells.

"It was just a compliment, Oliver. Mia's like my sister."

"I need to talk to Axel." Oliver says

"Okay. Noah, your ice cream is in the freezer."

"Thank you, Mia." Noah replies.

"So, how was your first day at school?" Noah asks me.

"Pretty good and pretty bad as well."

"Why so?" He looks at me, perplexed.

"I got in the cheer leading team for football and the girl's team for basketball. Then I got kidnapped by Roberto Ricci."

"What the hell? Where was Oliver?"

"He was waiting for me while I got a new set of clothes from his car."

"Remind me again as to why didn't you wear the old set of clothes. And you could've taken him with you."

"I had forgotten those in the locker room, and they had locked it. I hadn't expected to get kidnapped, Noah. Otherwise, I would've definitely taken Oliver with me to the car." I say, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Right. Anyways, what are we watching?"

"A whole lot of chick flicks."

Suddenly, Oliver comes from outside, and he has the expression that says 'Can't we watch The Vampire Diaries?'.

"No, we can't." I say.

"Okay, he didn't say anything." Noah says, looking between Oliver and me, bewildered.

"I know he didn't. But I can read his expressions very well."

"What? I am his brother. Even I can't do that. You need to tell me how to do that."

"It takes practice, Noah."

"Wait. Hold on, since when have you been doing that?" Oliver asks.

"Since Thanksgiving last year." I reply. Oliver doesn't say anything, just stares at me with his jaw on the floor.

"Close your mouth, Oliver. How many expressions does he have?" Noah asks.

"Broadly five."

"What are they?"

"I can't really make them, but the one on his face right now is shocked at whatever is happening. The one he had on his face - when he entered the room - was the one makes whenever he wants to watch The Vampire Diaries. That's why when he entered the room, I said, 'We can't'."

"Huh. Oliver, whatever happened to it being a shit series?"

"It's grown on him." I state.

Oliver is still standing near the door, appalled and aphonic.

"Then there is one makes whenever something intrigues him, another one when hates something or is angry with someone and the last one he makes when he loves or adores something."

"Huh. I'll remember that." Noah replies and Oliver grumbles, "Mia, first of all, why haven't you told me about this? Second of all, can we please stop talking about my expressions?" I can see that he is becoming pissed off now, so I reply before Noah can say anything, "Well, you never asked me about it. And yes, we can stop talking about it."

"I am going for a shower." He declares and climbs the stairs quickly.

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