Year 1- On our way.

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My name is Talia Hernandez. I am 11 years old and I live in London. I have a little bit of a pale complexion and thick curly brown hair and brown eyes. I looked pretty average. My father is a Cuban muggle, and he married my mother, a british witch and had me. I grew up with magic, but I obviously know a lot of muggle things. My parents were very anti-voldemort, but my father couldn't do much since he is a muggle. My mother always told me to not be afraid to say his name, because he has no power anymore. I'm very excited, because this year is where I get my letters. I already know what school I want to go to, Hogwarts. My mother went there and she was a Ravenclaw. She talks my ear off about how she was a prefect, and I want to be one too when I'm older. I woke up one morning and I was about to stay in bed some more, when I realized today must be the day that I got my letters.

I jumped out of bed and went to the living room. My parents were already eating breakfast. "Buenos dias." I said. "Someone's up early." Responded my mother. ''Has the post come?", I asked impatiently. "It has." She said pulling two letters out from behind her. I immediately grabbed them. One of them was from Beauxbatons Academy, and the other was from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I opened them both. "Are you sure you don't want to go to Beauxbatons, dear? Its in France. You can go with your cousin Amelie. Although it would be terrible to send you away..." "No mother, I want to go to Hogwarts, just like you did." I said proudly.


Today was the day I got all my supplies from Diagon Alley. My father had to work, he was a muggle teacher, but was teaching summer school this year. My mother was a healer, but she didn't work today so she could take me. First, we went into Ollivander's to get my first wand. I was shaking as I opened the door to go inside.

"Hello! Merlin's beard, is that you, Elizabeth?" said Ollivander. "Yes! You remember me?", said my mother. ''Why of course I do. I remember everyone that comes here. This must be your daughter?" "Hello! My name is Talia.", I said confidently, even though I was pretty shy. "Ah yes yes, Talia, what school are you going to?" "Hogwarts!'' "Oh, how wonderful. Well, we must see what wand chooses you.", he said, making me confused. "What wand chooses me?" "Of course, the wand chooses the wizard." Said the man, matter-of-factly. He handed me a wand, and told me to swish at a few cases that were on the shelves. I accidentally made them fall off. He murmured something before handing me another one. This time, he asked me to swish at some flowers. When I did, the flowers bloomed. "Ah yes, cedar wood, with a unicorn hair core...12 ¼'', and a swishy flexibility. Well, this wand will be perfect for you." I nodded and smiled, it was a pretty nice wand, but I had no idea what was going on. Next, I went to get my books. I got all the ones I needed, and there were a lot, which made me nervous. Then, I went to get my robes fitted.

As I went in the store, I saw a boy with circular black glasses and a scar on his forehead. He looked familiar, but I can't remember from where. He was talking to a blonde, pale boy with hair slicked back, as if he had used three bottles of hair gel this morning. My mother silently gasped and knelt down to talk to me and said, "don't stare, but that's Harry Potter. The boy I told you about. The boy who lived." That's where I remembered him from! My mother always told me about the boy who defeated Voldemort. I went to get my robes fitted and we went to The Leaky Cauldron to eat and went back home.

"Julian, you'll never guess who we found at the robes shop.", said my mother to my father as we walked through the door. "Who?" "HARRY. POTTER." "I hope you didn't startle him." "Oh, of course I didn't.", she said clicking her tongue. "Did you get everything you needed?", my father asked me. "Yup! Look at my wand!" I held up my wand before my mom snatched it from my hand. "I will be keeping this until you go to school. You must not do magic out of school before you turn 17." I pouted and went up to my room to put everything in its place. I wondered what friends I would have, what house I would be sorted in. My mind also seemed to turn back to the blonde boy at the robes shop with the angry face.


It was here. The day I had been waiting for. The day I went to Hogwarts. My mother woke me up and told me to get ready, because I was going to miss the train. I put on all my clothes and packed my trunk and went in the car. My parents let me take our snow owl, Ben. I went to the train station and I walked up to a brick wall. I was confused, so my mom told me "This is platform 9 3/4. You have to run straight through it." I waited before a family of redheads went through, and I think I also caught a glimpse of harry potter there. Right, he grew up with muggles because his parents died... I hugged my mom and dad tightly. "Talia..." "yes mom?" "About the houses... try not to get placed in Slytherin..." "why not mom?" "Because that's where the most dark wizards come from. That's where Voldemort was." I saw people around us flinch at the sound of the name, which made my mother roll her eyes. "But mum, the houses are based on my personality. I don't think I could lie to the hat." "I know I know but... Just... Be careful of the Slytherins." I nodded and waved goodbye before going through the wall.

There, I saw the Hogwarts Express and I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. I went inside the train and started looking for a compartment. All of them were pretty full, so I decided to sit in one where Harry Potter was in, with a redheaded boy and a girl with bushy brown hair. "Hello... do you mind if I sit here..?, I asked. I suddenly regretted my decision of asking because they probably didn't want anybody disturbing them. Gosh, they probably hate me. They're going to avoid me now. They never want to talk to me again- "Not at all!", said Harry. I sat down next to him before introducing myself; "My name is Talia Hernandez." "I'm Harry. Harry Potter." I smiled even though I knew perfectly well who he was. "Nice to meet you, I'm Hermione Granger.", said the other girl. "Ron.. Weasley.", said the redheaded boy who was eating a chocolate frog. "I saw you with your family at the platform.", he said. "I did too!", I responded. "I'm so excited to come here. I got another letter from Beauxbatons, but I wanted to go to Hogwarts just like my mother did. She was Ravenclaw. What house do you expect to be in?" Aaaand I'm rambling again. "I don't really know.", said Harry. "I already know I'm going to be in Gryffindor, my whole family is in it. But I'd be fine in anything but slytherin." There it was again. Anything but Slytherin. After Ron explained to Harry how teeerrrible slytherins were, Hermione said. "Being in  Ravenclaw would be nice. But Gryffindor seems like a good house... You two better put on your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon."

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