Year 5- D.A

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During the feast, we saw our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She looked like if pink cotton candy ate some bad food and pooped her out. She be looking like a whole toad. (i cannot believe i wrote that) Then she insisted on making a speech. What she basically said in her speech was; "Screw your school, it's the ministry's now." "I hate her already.", I mumbled to Hermione. In the common room, everyone seemed to have a problem with Harry because of the Daily Prophet. I stood up on a table. "Hey!", I screamed to get everyone's attention. "Harry knows what he's saying. He wouldn't lie. Believe what you want in your stupid little brain- BELIEVE WHATEVER YOU WANT. HARRY IS SAYING THE TRUTH." Fred helped me get down. "Anybody else got a problem with Harry?", said Ron. Nobody said anything.

I walked out of the common room to cool off for a bit and bumped into Draco. "Ugh!", I said irritated. "What?", he said. "Oh, hey, Draco. It's just... Everyone is accusing Harry of making things up and its not fair. They're so ignorant!" "Yeah, people can be... ignorant...", he said just to comfort me. I sighed and hugged him. "And now that Umbridge. I feel like she's gonna ruin everything. I can't stand her." "I don't know, maybe give her a chance?" "I will but.. I get bad vibes from her... I'm gonna go now. See you tomorrow."

The next day in DADA I almost went insane. Umbridge was as bad as I thought she'd be. She handed out a bunch of books and told us we couldn't use wands. No wands. In a school of magic. In a class. Of defense. Against magic. Somebody better hold me back. So now we got Mr. Marco Antonio Solis Severus Snape teaching classes and THIS person? THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE-
"Who would attack children like yourself?", she said. "I don't know, maybe... Lord Voldemort.", snapped Harry. Then she had the AUDACITY to say he's not back. To the boy who saw Cedric Diggory get KILLED. "THAT'S BULLSHI-" "ENOUGH.", she interrupted me. "Detention. For BOTH of you."

In Umbitch's detention, we had to write something with a quill that didn't need ink? Okay sketchy I guess. I sat next to Harry and began writing "I shall not tell lies." The ink disappeared off the paper and I felt something in my hand. The words were appearing on my skin, like a cut. I saw the same thing happening to Harry. "Harry we have to-" "No.", we whispered.

I was going to go to the common room when I broke down in tears. My hand still hurt and Harry didn't seem to want to tell anyone so I just didn't either. I went to the slytherin common room to hang out with Daphne. When I walked in Draco saw me crying. "Woah woah woah, what's wrong?", he asked me. "Nothing, it's fine.", I said. "Is it Umbridge or something because I don't think she's that b-" I started
crying again. "Oh my Merlin...", he mumbled. He sat me down at the couch and I kept sobbing. "I'm sorry-" "No, don't be sorry!" He wrapped me in his arms. If only people knew how kind and caring Draco Malfoy could be. "He's back, Draco. He's back and it's already started to show. I'm not going to let him take over me again. I won't.", I told him. "I know you won't...I hate you had to go through that once, not again." I laid my head on his lap and he talked to me. About anything really, it didn't matter. I just liked hearing his voice. He started humming and I fell asleep for a while before going back to my dorm. Walking back I bumped into Luna Lovegood.

"Oh hello, Luna. What are you doing up so late?", I asked. She had her eyes closed. "Are you sleep walking...?" Still no response. Yeah, she's sleep walking.

During breakfast, there was a well-deserved fight between Professor McGonagall and Umbridge. Umbridge was about to change life as we knew it. Then the first rule came. She became high-inquisitor. How do you get promoted for abusing children? She started putting all the teachers on trial and absolutely ruining everything. Draco seemed to find this all very amusing. "What? I don't like Umbridge!", he said. I was super mad at him and he came closer but then I pointed to the rule that said "Boys and girls are not permitted to be between 8 inches of each other." THEN his face dropped.

Umbridge tried to vanish Professor Trewlaney off the grounds. I never liked her, but Umbridge was being so cruel.
"We're not learning anything!", I said complaining in the common room. Sirius talked to us in the fireplace and said "Voldemort is on the move." That can't be good. "Harry... Umbridge won't teach us.. But .. You know practically all we need to know...", said Hermione. "Are you suggesting I teach Defense Against the Dark Arts? How am I going to do that?" , said Harry. "It can be a small group.", I explained. "Of... People who would want to be taught by you and.. We could do it in someplace secret. But where...?"

While we were out getting people that we think I went to ask Daphne and Draco to come. To be completely honest, they were the only slytherins I trusted. Hermione didn't want any slytherins but whatever. While I was telling them about it, Daphne suggested we also bring another girl in slytherin. She had tan skin and wore a hijab to match her house color. "Talia, this is Durriyah. Don't worry, she's not like most slytherins. She can be trusted.", said Daphne. "It's very nice to meet you!", said Durriyah in a soothing, sweet voice.

We went to the Shrieking Shack for Harry to explain what they were going to do. I could tell Hermione was shy so I said; "Listen up. Believe it or not. Voldemort is back.", people flinched at the name. "And we need a proper teacher. Harry knows all about defensive spells. So he's the guy to talk to. Any questions?" "How did Cedric get killed?", someone asked. "Im not here to talk about Cedric-" "Is it true you can produce a patronus charm?", said Luna cutting Harry off. "Yes!", said Hermione. "And he killed a basilisk, and he fought dementors.", said Ron.

Hermione made everyone write down their names in a piece of parchment. If the told anyone about the club then something bad would happen to them. Harry said Dobby told him about a place called the "Room of Requirements" where we could do it in, and Hermione gave everyone a coin that said when the next meeting was. We were finally prepared to teach ourselves, cause who else was going to?

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