Year 1- Their own adventure

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The first class was Transfiguration, which I did alright in because I sat next to Hermione. Next was defense against the dark arts. Am I the only one who thinks professor Quirrel is a total freak show? Then, potions. We had that class with the slytherins. That meant Draco Malfoy. Great, him again. As I walked in the class I was about to sit next to Hermione, when I found that the only seat available was one next to Draco. Are you kidding? Why aren't his goons sitting next to him?

I sat down before he scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Hey! It was the only seat available. I don't want to be here any more than you do.", I told him honestly. He mumbled a "..whatever.." and I listened to Snape make a boring speech. I immediately hated him, for literally bullying Harry and embarrassing him in front of the whole class. He also snapped at Hermione for being the only one raising her hand. Ridiculous. Who does he think he is?

I decided to just keep my mouth shut, but something he did made my blood boil. Neville accidentally dropped his potion all over the floor. Snape called "Idiot boy!" I stood up from my chair and said, "Don't call him that!", which I regretted. He told Seamus to take Neville to the hospital wing before coming up close to me. "I don't recall you being the one in charge here. For your unacceptable remark, 50 points from Gryffindor and detention with me today." Great. Just what I needed. Malfoy snickered next to me, and it took all that was in me to not kick him in the face.


I was writing lines for hours in Snape's class, when I glanced over the window and saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione in Hagrid's hut. "You may leave.", said professor snape, in his boring monotone voice again. "But if you ever act that way in my classroom again, the consequences will be more severe." Deciding I was curious to see what my friends were doing I said "yes, sir." And rolled my eyes as I walked out the door. However, when I was on my way down, they were already coming up, so we just went to the common room.

The next day, we had flying lessons. I stepped out to the court and without difficulty gripped my broom. Neville rode his broom and lost control of it, so Madam Hooch had to take him to the hospital wing. "None of you is to move.", she warned. When I looked, Malfoy was tossing around a Remembrall that belonged to Neville. He got on his broom and said, "I think ill leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. Up a tree? The roof, maybe.", my blood boiled once again with this boy. Hermione tried to stop Harry from going after Malfoy, but it was too late because he was already chasing him.

I was going to get on my broom as well, but she held me back and I decided its probably best not to get another detention. Suddenly, I saw Professor McGonagall walking in, and she looked more surprised than outraged. She took Harry, probably to see Dumbledore, and I took out my wand. "What are you doing?", said hermione. I decided to use a hex my mother taught me for self defense. "ORBIS!" I said, sucking Malfoy into the ground. Before Madam Hooch could see, I undid it. "My father will hear about this!", he said fearful. I hate this. "Yeah go on, tell daddy. SEE what happens!!", I exclaimed before storming off. I hate it. But it has to be done. I really hated jixing people, but Malfoy really deserved it.


That night, I was sleeping, before I heard Hermione go outside. I am being so nosy. Following them everywhere... So I decided just to sit in the common room. As I expected, Harry, Ron, and Hermione came back, panting, as if they'd just run from death. Knowing who Harry was, they probably had. "Where had you three been?", I asked.

WHY. WHY did I say it like that?? wHeRe HaVe YoU tHrEe bEeN... Who am I professor McGonagall? They told me that Malfoy sent them on some wild goose chase and they saw a giant three-headed dog guarding something. The wizarding world, I guess. I went back to sleep.


It was Halloween, and in breakfast I found out that Harry hadn't been taken to Dumbledore's office at all. Of course, I forgot to ask him about it, I sort of forgot. But McGonagall had seen that Harry would make an amazing seeker and decided to make an exception and put him in the quidditch team. "I'm so glad that you're not expelled, but isn't it crazy how you got away with that? It doesn't even seem right.", I said. "Whats that supposed to mean?'', asked Ron offended. Oh my god. I did it again. WHY. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

"No I didn't- I just meant- Nevermind. Congrats on the broom, Harry." "Thank you, Lia.", said Harry, trying to make me feel better a clearly I was feeling guilty. I smiled at the new nickname. "Actually, Talia is right. Is this some kind of reward for breaking the rules?", said Hermione. "I thought you weren't speaking to us. Please don't stop, its doing us so much good.", said Ron. She walked away and I shot an apologetic glance at Ron and Harry and followed after her to sit with her. I understand Hermione. She's like me. It's why we're such good friends.

After charms, which Hermione nailed, again, I was walking outside with her when I heard Ron talk about Hermione. "Its no wonder no one can stand her. She's a nightmare, honestly." Hermione obviously heard this, and I went after her after telling Ron, "you're terrible, you know that?" She went to the girls bathroom and I comforted her as she cried.

"Hermione, don't listen to Ron. I don't know why he is acting like this, you honestly did nothing wrong. Plus, I like you. Tons of people like you." I don't know if this was making her feel better, and this made me anxious. Why can't I just help everyone? After a while, I sensed a terrible smell and huge footsteps. I looked up to see a troll. I almost peed myself.

Okay, okay think um.. Get Hermione out.. But then the troll will go out to chase her and- I pushed Hermione and myself against the wall, running from the troll when I heard familiar voices come inside the bathroom. "Oy, pea-brain!", yelled Ron, throwing a metal pipe at the troll. "Run!" yelled Harry. I saw Hermione too frozen too move, so I grabbed her and ran with her. I pushed her forward, and before I was completely destroyed by the troll, Ron yelled "Wingardium leviosa!" and levitated the troll's club. Then it dropped, hitting the troll on the head, causing it to collapse. A moment later, Proffesors McGonagall, Quirrel, and Snape came in, looking furious.

As McGonagall was telling us off, Hermione said "Professor! They were looking for me. I thought I could take the troll for myself, but I couldn't. If Talia, Ron, and Harry weren't here to help me I would be dead!" My mouth dropped for a moment, before I picked it back up and acted as if what she was saying was completely true. She took the blame for us? Wow. McGonagall took away five points from Gryffindor because of hermione and awarded us three five points. I mean, I'm not complaining. I noticed that Ron and Harry were being nicer to Hermione from this experience, which made me very happy.


The quidditch game was today and Harry was doing great. But, all of a sudden, it seemed he completely lost control of his broom. Hermione and Ron murmured something between themselves before going somewhere, leaving me behind. I was upset about this, but they obviously did something because Harry gained control of his broom again and caught the snitch!... with his mouth... BUT WE WON THE GAME!

The Gryffindor stand roared with laughter, and I blew raspberry at the slytherins. I could see Draco Malfoy's defeated face from here. And I felt just a teensy bit bad... Anyway, after that, Harry, Ron, and Hermione went off on their own a lot, leaving me out of things. I couldn't understand why, but they just did.

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